Monday, May 21, 2007

Summer Break

Tomorrow is the last day of school around here. I'm really looking forward to it, even though my days won't slow down until next week. My sister is a teacher, so I'll be keeping her kids while she has teacher in-service. Then it will be time for Drama Queen's stage appearance—her dance rehearsal and recital, that is.

I won't miss having to get up every morning at 6:30am. My biological pre-dispositions set me up to be a night owl, who would love to sleep until 10am, but can only hope for 8am now that I have kids. I'm sure if he could grasp what was coming, Little Man would be looking forward to not having to be dragged out of bed twice a day. Once in the morning to take Sissy to school, and in the afternoon to pick her up.

Besides the trip to Scotland we've talked so much about on the Playground, there are other things I plan to do this summer. I want to learn to grill. Maybe there will be more BBQ's in my future like I had this past Saturday when my Dad came to visit from Florida. My new backyard is ideal for get-togethers.

I want to take the kids to the park, which I rarely do because there isn't one located conveniently nearby. When the days get too hot to spend hours outside, we can go bowling. A newfound activity that Drama Queen really enjoys.

But mostly I want to sit on the deck and watch the kids play while I write. I haven't been able to do that in so long, that it sounds like heaven at the moment.

What are your plans for the summer?



Linda Winstead Jones said...

It's going to be a busy summer. The whole family is going to Disneyworld for a week. Then there's more than a week in Dallas for boardmeeting and conference. I have a book due August 15th, and I have very little of it written. I'm also going to grow tomatoes, plant more roses, maybe make a trip to Tunica for a long weekend, and spend some time with the grandkids who are out of school for the summer. Whew. Makes me tired just looking at the list. :-)


Kira Sinclair - AKA Instigator said...

Plans? *laughs hysterically* Well, there's Scotland, Dallas, both girls birthdays, my birthday, my anniversary. From now till the end of July I have every Saturday and most Sundays booked.

I have to plan a birthday party...I'm not entirely sure what we'll be doing. I have some ideas but whether I can pull them off inbetween preparing for trips...

I'd really like to spend some quality time with the girls since I'll be gone for several weeks this summer and because when school starts our entire schedule will be different and I won't be spending as much time with them.

I'd also like to get the rough draft for another book written. That shouldn't be too difficult - the rough draft is my favorite part and these characters have been yelling at me for weeks.

My summer starts Wed afternoon, after Kindergarten graduation. I know I'm going to cry :-)


Problem Child said...

Busy, busy, busy. I've booked AC for 2 weeks of day camps so I can get my book finished. Plus there's Scotland, Nationals, a trip to Texas to see my uncle and SeaWorld. Add in birthday parties and play dates and I'm pooped already.

Playground Monitor said...

Let's see...

Memorial Day weekend at the campground is this weekend. I have an appointment with the orthopedic specialist about my arthritic foot on June 4 and I have a sneaking suspicion there will be surgery in my future (but not until after Nationals). Grandbaby's birthday party is the 9th. Then there's Nationals in July along with getting my teeth cleaned. If my mother's well enough to attend the annual family reunion in North Carolina, I'll go to that the first weekend of August. Then my Red Hat ladies have several outings planned for the summer months.

The DH is playing in the Senior Olympics in volleyball so I may go with him to his tournament, depending on when and where.

I've planted flowers, herbs and tomatoes and have to tend to those, but the rewards will be worth it.

Grilling is easy, Angel. I do it all the time and love to eat outdoors. The DH put us up a gazebo canopy on the patio and it has mosquito screening so we can eat supper out there and not get eaten.

All my tv shows have come or are coming to an end so there won't be much TV viewing until fall. That should leave more time to read.

Um... I need to fit writing in there somewhere.


Lis said...

I'm hoping to spend some time with my best friend. She's been going to school out on the east coast for a couple years and now she's only about 2 hours away so hoping she comes in for a few days.
Other then that, few concerts I want to go to. Finish off a couple ms and hit the submission circuit I guess :)