Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It's Back-to-School Time

I'm going back to school this weekend -- to writing school. I'm taking a workshop given by Margie Lawson. It's called Empowering Characters' Emotions. The blurb about the class is below.

Want to add a psychological punch to your writing and editing?
Want to learn how to capture the full range of body language on the page?

Want to turn your work into a page-turner by powering up emotion and hooking the reader viscerally?

Look forward to learning:

The EDITS System
Basic, complex, empowered, and super empowered passages
Backstory management
Kinesics, Haptics, Proxemics, Facial expressions, Paralanguage
Proprioceptive stimuli, Involuntary physical responses
Mirroring, Communication Accommodation
Levels of intimacy, Love signals
Nonverbal gender differences
Emotional authenticity
In-trancing the Reader
Writing fresh . . .
Projecting Emotion for a Non-POV character
Carrying a Nonverbal Image Forward
Objective Constructs
Empowering Characters’ Emotions Checklist

I have to tell you that none of that makes sense to me, and I was a psychology major. Of course, that degree is thirty-mumble years old and I was more into maze-running rats than Freud and Jung.

But I saw this workshop and had heard good things about it and decided, what the heck! Maybe this will jump-start my recalcitrant muse. If nothing else, it will get me back into the book I wrote 50K words on for NaNoWriMo 2010. Of course, after I cleaned up the manuscript, there are only about 42K words left. I need to finish this book. My soul needs for me to finish this book to prove to myself I can do it again.

And aside from taking the class, I'm going to get to meet a new friend in person. Pam Asberry and I met online, and she's actually the one who told me about the workshop. When I decided to take it, I let her know, and to make a long story short, we're going to be roomies on Friday night.

Whatcha doing this weekend?


Cheryl said...

PM, hope you have a wonderful time! Sounds interesting! We will need a full report when you get back!

I am hanging out at the pool with Angel and the kids this weekend. Serious writer-talking stuff... LOL

Lea AnnS said...

I'm sending my oldest to camp this weekend, and hopefully getting ahead enough with work that I can join Angel and Cheryl at the pool! :)

This class sounds fascinating. And I find that sometimes all I need is something new in my toolbox to spark a bit of creativity for an old project (or an idea for a new one). Enjoy learning!

robertsonreads said...

PM, I hope you have a wonderful time & a great learning experience.

I will get a pedicure Friday as my son will be getting married next Saturday - yeah! Finish getting my dress, accessories ready and help my mom find something to wear. In between go to pool and get a little color.

Angel said...

Ahhh!!!! A wedding! I have a special appreciation for July weddings, as my anniversary is in July. Tell your son Congrats!

Yep, trekking to the pool so the kids can play in the water (and I can have some adult, writerly conversation... I have some ideas that need plotting). Then hopefully nothing more than cleaning and creativity on Sunday. I'm wrapping up some work projects the end of this week, so I'm hoping for a free weekend.

Have fun, PM! I've taken Margie's Empowering Characters Emotions class online and loved it! I'm sure there will be something to spark that creativity. I often find that when I get UNenamored with a project, if I read some craft stuff it will show me the way (that I've screwed it up). :)



Problem Child said...

I am going to sleep, find my office floor, see Harry Potter and catch up on life. Yes, the book is almost done!