But another favorite of mine was "Good Idea, Bad Idea" with Mr. Skullhead. Mr. Skullhead didn't talk, but he got put in a lot of short skits, including this one, that were mostly pointless. But basically, this one would have something like :
"Good idea... finding easter eggs on Easter morning."
"Bad idea... finding easter eggs on Christmas morning." Eww. :)
I found this compilation on YouTube if you want to amuse yourself for two minutes.
So I was thinking the other day on how I could apply this to writing. Maybe you all can help me come up with some good ones. Here's a couple to get started.
Good idea... making your submission stand out with a well-formatted, well-edited, engaging manuscript and coversheet.
Bad idea... making your submission stand out with pink unicorn paper, glitter, handcuffs, or a personal photo with you in lingerie at your laptop.
Good idea... researching the line or publisher you're submitting to, to make sure your work fits the guidelines and what they're publishing.
Bad idea... copying one of the publisher's recent books word for word and just changing the character's names.
Good idea... making an appointment at a conference to pitch your book to an editor or agent.
Bad idea... following your targeted editor or agent into the bathroom to pitch your book while they're, uh, busy.
Your turn!
I remember the Animanmiacs well! My kids loved them, and yes, I laughed, too. I still make the occasional Pinky and the Brain reference. You covered the publishing good idea, bad idea basics. If I think of anything else I'll post later.
Oh, how about this: Good idea. getting to know your agent or editor at conference over a nice meal or a cup of coffee. Bad idea. Getting to know your agent or editor and having so much fun you end up getting drunk and dancing on the table. Naked.
Good idea-Pitching a book to your editor.
Bad idea-Pitching a book at your editor. *ouch*
How about this?
Good idea: Reading lots of craft books to improve your writing.
Bad idea: Posting all over the internet that XYZ's book is filled with head-hopping and the characters' motivations are weak.
I don't remember Animaniacs. My kids must not have watched it.
Funny!! So many ways these things could go wrong.
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