Thursday, May 14, 2009

It's That Time Again

It's the time of year I dread...the end of school. Yes, I realize that when I was in school I always looked forward to this time - mostly because the days of studying and tests were interspersed with fun things like field trips, field day, cleaning day and assemblies. Now my problem is that I have 2 amazing girls who want me at all of these events. This wouldn't be a problem if they weren't all scheduled back to back to back and I had an unlimited supply of vacation days. I think I've been up at the school at least 4 days in the last 2 weeks.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy doing these things with my kids! And I realize that they're only this young once. And my boss is amazing and never bats and eye when I walk into his office and tell him I need Tuesday off, and part of Wednesday and I'll be leaving early on Friday because one has this and the other has that and I can't do one event for Sweet Pea and not the other for Baby Girl.

I'm just ready for the chaos to be over. Oh, and for my sunburn from the trip to the botanical gardens to go away. Now that I think about it, maybe that's why I'm in a foul mood about school events. Tuesday I got fried. No one else. None of the kids (who didn't have sunscreen on that I'm aware) or the other adults who went. Just little old me. I didn't even think I'd been in the sun that long. And yesterday I was all set to go to field was rained out. At least I wasn't caught outside in the rain. Honestly, the way my week's been going I'm surprised I wasn't.

Baby Girl has started whining and asking me when school was going to be over. I keep telling her a few weeks. But inside I really wanna whine with her.

What have you been whining about lately?


P.S. Congratulations to Caffey, my winner from last week. Please email me at to claim your copy of Afterburn.

P.P.S. Congratulations to Gina, Rose, and Laurie, Problem Child's winners from Tuesday. She didn't have 3 drinks, but she felt like she needed them... Please email her at to claim your prizes.

And as always, prizes not claimed within a week will be re-awarded.


Christine said...

I know your pain! I've been hauling back and forth to the school so often I figure why even bother going home at all to work? And then there are two recitals and the rehearsals for them all week (I don't know how she'll manage--she literally has to be two places at the same time at times). And then there are the additional expenses pouring out of the pocket (it's like having a low income wage earner in the house--teenagers suck your money away--it's a dollar here and a twenty there). I cannot wait for school to end and we have an additional two days due to the BACON FEVER PANDEMIC... argh. But I know it's going to pass and we'll be able to chill and I'll be able to work more consistently.

So for now I surrender to the reality.

Problem Child said...

What *haven't* I been whining about recently?

Today I shall whine about the housework and the recital this weekend. Tomorrow I shall whine about laundry...

Andrea Laurence AKA Smarty Pants said...

No school stuff for me. Instead, I will whine about all the cleaning I have to do before this weekend. No matter what I do, there is always pet hair, even if just one left behind to remind me who's really boss. Sigh.

(A reminder to all those allergic attendees to drug oneself properly before coming.)

Christine said...

I have stopped doing all housework except for swishing the toilets when they look ugly. And I probably won't go to the grocery store till Sunday (or Saturday). No time if I want to get any writing done at all.

PC: where does your DD dance? Mine is at the Dance Company. Her performance is Sat. night. TG it's only one. At her old studio we had to sit through two of them (well I did)--and we watched ALL the dancers from age 3 and up... ugh.

Playground Monitor said...

My only kid in school is the one in grad school who just finished his third semester with a 4.0 overall GPA. No whining there.

I shouldn't be whining about the rain since just two years ago we were in a serious drought. But I'm beginning to mold on my north side and I'm also very tired of hearing the tornado sirens. Enough already.

And why has the price of gasoline gone up suddenly?

Angel said...

Don't get me started on school stuff. Quite frankly, I hate to go up to the school for things. I refused to go to field day this year, because they sent a note home saying they didn't want parents to walk with the classes, they just wanted them to volunteer to help. From 8am to 2:30pm. No younger children allowed. Well, sorry, that isn't an option for me. That's one of my biggest problems. They say they want parents up there, but they don't allow younger siblings. What, exactly, am I supposed to do with him?

Then they planned some kind of play thing on a day I have a doctor's appointment--2 hours away. I'm letting the grandmother handle that one. I'm just taking Little Man to Awards Day. If they don't like it, they can tell me to leave.

Just got off the phone with the mechanic. My car is going to need a new compressor, which is shooting the cost up several hundred dollars. Sigh. My credit card is going to get quite a workout. :(


Lynn Raye Harris said...

I shouldn't whine about a thing, but I do wish this book would write itself. Had an idea for another one last night, thankfully. Wonder if it's too soon to ask my editor if I can do a sheikh?

Andrea Laurence AKA Smarty Pants said...

Is there a waiting period on a sheik? I hear they do well, so go for it.

mslizalou said...

I have to spend my entire weekend cleaning my apartment. I hate to do the big spring clean with a passion, but must do it or I won't let anyone see my home. I think I'll start going thru some stuff in my living room tonight so I won't have so much on Saturday.

Misty Williams said...

I feel your pain as well. I have three in pre-school, which gets out next week. EKKKKK. Then the two older ones get out the week after. Next week is full of events, field days, programs, etc... All in the same days, of course.

Once they get out of school, it will be and the kiddo's. Not sure I'll get much done in the writing area, though I sure hope I can get a few hours a day. We'll see. I love spending time with the kids, just need the break here and there. Like everyone does.

My whine right now is that I'm tired this week. Haven't slept very well and its catching up with me. I've gotten lots done, but just tired.

M.V.Freeman said...

Hmmm. What I want to whine about...don't get me started.

I don't like school activities..because I am a frightful introvert and I'm snarky.

See? the combination is just bad when you mix in large amounts of children!

I won't whine about anything just takes too much effort. Besides, I save it for my friends when I see them...*EG*

Anonymous said...

wtg cathie and others