
Three calling birds….Two French hens…and an American Title vote for me...
Have Yourself A Merry Little Voting Round...
O come, All Ye Voters...
Sound a little nutso? Welcome to the world of an American Title finalist. While everyone else is starting to get in the Christmas spirit, I’m consumed by each new American Title III voting round and so grateful to have made it through. It’s not a contest for the oversensitive. That’s for sure. The judges’ remarks can be pretty biting at times – Note: Full body armor required. But they can also be constructive in a positive way. You have to be open to criticism and willing to admit your book isn’t perfect. You can always make it better. The good thing is you aren’t going through this contest alone. There are nine other finalists to share the ups and downs with.
The American Title III finalists have formed a Yahoo group to support each other along the way and we are fortunate enough to have past American Title I winner, Janice Lynn – www.janicelynn.net and American Title II winner, Gerri Russell - www.gerrirussell.net on that loop. They’ve been through this before and have given us great advice on how to be a finalist and maintain our sanity throughout the coming months.
Those of you who know me know that I’ve been trying for a very long time to realize my dream of selling, of seeing my book out there on the shelf where others might actually have the chance to pick it up and read my words. So this is such an incredible opportunity for me. I now have a one in eight chance of seeing my dream come true. I hope that if you haven’t voted, you’ll head on over to the Romantic Times website (www.romantictimes.com ) and cast your vote for OPERATION: DATE ESCAPE.
A little about me. Like most writers, I began writing in utero.
Thanks so much for asking me to come play on your blog.
Lindsey Brookes
American Title III finalist – OPERATION: DATE ESCAPE
Voting this round open until November 26!
P.S. from the Playground Monitor: I know all the writers here can relate to Lindsey’s post and the “Dangerous Curves” that the writer’s life contains.
But what about you non-writers? What big goals and dreams do you have for yourself? Do you write them down? And how to you stay focused on them and see them to fruition?
One of today's lucky commenters chosen at random will win a copy of JANE MILLIONAIRE, the first American Title winner, a book thong and a magnetic refrigerator memo pad that reads “Go in the Direction of Your Dreams.”
P.P.S. KarenG is yesterday's winner. Please email Problem Child to make arrangements for your prize.
Oh, I do write my goals down. And my biggest goals have something to do with writing: I want to get my thesis done and get a job as a translator.
Good luck Lindsey in the competition.
I do write my goals down, even something as simple as my exercising goal.
Welcome Lindsey. Full suit of armor is right. I've been on the page a few times and read some of the judges comments. With as little as a first line or paragraph hook, they just rip you guys apart. You can almost pick out the Simon and Paula judges. :)
Its really hard not to give up when things aren't going your way. The little beasties on your shoulder whisper how you're chasing an empty dream and need to focus your time on something that might actually happen. But you know what? I find this dream is just as achievable as any other. Each rejection, painful as it might be, is a learning experience that makes my writing better. At the time its a screaming, stomping, fit throwing experience, but weeks later, I can look over the R again and say... "yeah, she's right."
But you don't give up. You make note and keep going. Thanks for a little inspiration.
What's next for you after ATIII? (I know that depends on the outcome, of course...)
For those of our readers who are just, well, readers, can you explain in more detail how the American Title contest works and when the voting is finished?
Man, I have a hard time with non-positive critique. I can't imagine having it done for everyone to see! What's the best piece of advice you've gotten so far?
Hi Lindsey
I know the critics can be harsh, but you know your book must be good to have made it even this far. Do you feel like you've learned anything about your craft from being a part of the competition?
Congratulations on being a finalist in the Romantic Times American Title III competition, Lindsey. Welcome to The Playground today. I always make lists that have goals on it. I love crossing off the accomplishments. Keep your chin up and good luck.
I don't write down my goals and dreams. I would like to become a published writer and win a million bucks though. Hee.
I already have JANE MILLIONAIRE. Wow, I've had that book for a long time. Won that baby when it first came out.
CONGRATULATIONS, Lindsay, on becoming a finalist in the RT American Title III comp. GOOD LUCK!
I don't write down my goals and dreams, although I always have a to-do list going though. As I get more serious about writing, I've gotten more visual. So I've been giving thought to surrounding myself with visual words -- my dreams, words of affirmation/inspiration--where I can see and reflect on that at my leisure.
Thanks for all the comments guys!
Smarty Pants, I'm really hoping that a contract with Dorchester will be in my future, but in this business one never knows. Either way, I will continue writing, entering contests to get in front of editors, and submitting new work to my agent. I guess that's all we can do in this crazy business. Hopefully grow and get better as a writer and keep on submitting.
Congratulations on being a finalist and good luck in the competition.
I don't write down my goals, but I do have to do lists.
Lindsey, good luck in the rest of the competition and congrats for the journey so far. It is hard sometimes to read the judges comments, but I'm sure agents and editors say the same things; just not outloud for the world to read. LOL Enjoy the journey!
Lindsey, I have the utmost faith in you, sweetie. I've said it before and I'll say it again, there is an editor out there who will very soon recognize your incredible talent. You go, girl! You're gonna win this one.
Ditzy Chix rock!!!
Best of luck. I think that it is important to write down goals. It puts things in perspective and is attainable.
Hey there Elizabeth!
Gang, that's Elizabeth Sinclair who not only writes for Medallion Press and Silhouette Intimate Moments/Romantic Suspense, but also is the world's absolute expert on "The Dreaded Synopsis."
Glad to have you here at the Playground.
And in case you wondered about the "Ditzy Chix" comment, Lindsey and Elizabeth are part of a group called the Ditzy Chix, 11 writing friends in multiple genres who are just the greatest bunch of women.
Lindsey, welcome to the playground! (and sorry I'm tardy - day job has had me snowed under for days).
I admire you very much for entering the ATIII contest. It takes a great deal of faith and self confidence to do so. Have you discovered any tricks for handling the good and bad comments that you've received from the judges? Oftentimes those comments can be contradictory, how do you know which ones to listen to and which to ignore?
Good Luck!
'Goal' is one of those four letter words I hate to use, like 'diet'. :) I do have them, but I don't write them down... I think I'm afraid I'll sabotage myself (see 'diet').
Congratulations and good luck, Lindsey! Keep your head up no matter what those meanie judges may have to say - that's their job, after all - and I don't see them finaling in any contests!
So proud of you! (but I have to get that image of you writing 'in utero' out of my mind, and quick!)
Congrats to Lindsey for making it to Round 2. I know (boy do I know!) how rough this contest is on a person. I admire you so much for putting yourself out there & doing this. And, as I've read your manuscript, I know it's wonderful and deserving to win. Like Elizabeth said, there's an editor out there for you, babe!
Thanks to the playground for giving away Jane. :) Is it insane that I still get giddy any time I see a mention of it? Or if I see it on a shelf? Or if I...well, you get the idea. Hey, writing is my dream/goal and to have had the privilege of holding a book in my hands that I wrote...oh man, the shivers & quivers come over me!!!
Good luck, Lindsey!
Good luck in the competition Lindsey. I do write down my goals. It helps to keep me focused.
Angel, to answer your question, the American Title contest is run similar to the American Idol contest. The finalists are asked to submit different pieces of their story for each round. The judges then make comments - good or bad - and then the readers vote via email. The two finalists with the lowest amount of votes each round are eliminated. The winner will receive a publishing contract for their book with Dorchester Publishing. So every vote counts. I hope you'll all take a sec to go vote. Voting is over for this round on the 26th. www.romantictimes.com
Good luck, Lindsey!
I don't write anything down. At my age I don't have goals. lol I just live from day to day! One thing I would like to do though is read JANE MILLIONAIRE! :)
Problem Child,
It's still early in the contest, so I have a lot of learning to do and suggestions to consider from the judges. (At least, I'm hoping I'll still be in the running to get those comments *grin*) One thing I am getting a crash course on though is getting the word out. That's something that will come in very handy when I sell someday.
Beth, I can so feel for your situation with your daughter. My oldest daughter is legally blind (uncorrectable) and she is on medication for seizures. It's hard as a parent not to be able to make things all better with just a word or a touch, but we do all we can to make life accomodate their needs. I think laughter is so important in life and that comes out in my writing. I truly hope all your daughter's dreams come true. She's lucky to have you!
Debby, you must be a teacher. I admire you. I couldn't be one, even though half my family members are teachers. It takes a special person for that job.
Sorry, I missed part of your question. As far as advice goes, Janice Lynn and Gerri Russell, past AT winners, have given the ATIII group so many tips for surviving this contest it's hard to pick just one. I guess the most important piece of advice is to take the judges' comments with a grain of salt. Take what I agree with and use it, but let go of the bad things. It's just one person's opinion. That's what I try to do. Although, I strongly disagree with the comment made this last round about my chosing a firefighter as a hero being a bad thing. They are incredible heroes in my eyes and I'd read about a firefighter romance hero without a moment's hesitation.
Elizabeth! Thanks for stopping by and for the nice words about my writing. It means a lot coming from you. So glad to have you cheering me on!
your fellow Ditzy Chix,
Thanks for commenting. A lot of whether I listen to the comments or not comes from gut instinct. If it's something I think I should consider, I ask my writing pals for their thoughts. If it's way off base in my opinion, I laugh. *grin*
Sending a huge thanks out to the Writing Playground for asking me to come visit. And thanks to you all for your good luck wishes and comments. I'll check in later tonight to see if there are any more questions that need answered. Have a great Thanksgiving!
I don't write them down...which is problably why I usually forget them. Right now I am trying to lose some weight (ongoing goal)
Good luck, Lindsey! I don't write my goals down and that's probably why I can't keep track of my progress on them.
A little late, but I wanted to comment - I LOVE goals. They keep me motivated, focused and add a little extra vigor to that happy dance when I achieve milestones.
Congrats, Lindsey, on the AT III contest progress. I still love your opening line about getting a boob job! btw, thanks for putting the twisted Christmas Carols into my head... I'll be humming them all day now!
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