Thursday, November 02, 2006


I'm tired, cranky and frustrated beyond belief. I feel icky and I just know that at some point today I'm going to take my bad mood out on my kids so I'm already feeling guilty.

I simply can't seem to catch up and it's frustrating me to no end! I had a terrible day yesterday, the kind I shoulda ended in the bathtub with a soak and a good cry. Instead I blew off everything I needed to be doing (including working on my revisions - which I can't seem to get started on because every time I try something happens to pull me away....) cuddled up in bed, watched a little TV and fell asleep early.

I thought getting more sleep than normal would help make me feel better in the morning. And it probably would have if both of the girls hadn't woken me up 5 or 6 times in the middle of the night. At one point DH gave up and went outside to shoot pool. Of course, that was before the cats decided to have world war III at my back around 2 AM.

This is the kinda day I know I should just stay in bed. It's going to be bad, I know it. Unfortunately, my world doesn't work that way. So....Anyone got an idea how I can really turn this day around?

And don't forget, I'll be choosing someone from the commenters today to win a free book in our book a day giveaway. Actually, just typing that made me smile.



krissyinva said...

This is what works for me....sometimes! I don't get out a whole lot so for me just sitting down and getting fab with makeup, clothes and great shoes usually lifts my spirits.Then maybe go out and pick myself up a little something. A book, box of chocolate, or maybe a new pair of shoes. It usually gets me out of a horrible downhill day. I hope it gets better!!

CrystalGB said...

I know what you mean about yesterday being a bad day. Felt horrible all day and then husband had an allergic reaction to something and I was awake half the night.
A change of scenery always helps me when I have a bad day. Getting out and doing something different always perks me up.

Theresa N. said...

Grandmother all ways said,"Put on your makeup, it'll make you feel better." I always have and it always does.

Problem Child said...

Theresa and krissyinva are women after my own heart. DG laughs becuase any crisis will send me to the shower. I think better with clean hair--I don't know why. Once my hair is clean, I can deal with whatever.

I think the "look good, feel good" connection is like those positive affirmations.

Of course, this statement comes from the girl who is sick and crusty and plans to return to bed unshowered and sleep until I feel better. :-)

Andrea Laurence AKA Smarty Pants said...

Here's something to make you smile - today is National Apology Day. So, I'm sorry you feel bad.

Seriously, getting dressed up could help. I'm more of a "eat a bag of chocolate" kind of girl, hence my hind end. Music is always good though, upbeat 80s stuff to get my brain focused on other things.


krissyinva said...

Also I usually wear pretty flat shoes(sneakers, sandals etc.)when I wear a shoe with a hill, for me it's an instant pick me up! Okay I might be a little wierd but that extra 2-3 inches just makes me happy.

Jennifer Y. said...

Hugs! I hate having bad days!

Angel said...

Since I know something a lot of these people don't--i.e. that you don't wear makeup--then I won't recommend that. But I do believe that taking that extra time to dress nice and "put your face on" helps you face whatever the day may bring much better. I definitely found this to be true after months of Little Man not sleeping through the night.

Breath deeply!!! Just take a few minutes to close your eyes and breath, nothing else.

And this may sound counterintuitive, but I'm also dealing with the "too many things and not enough time" deal, and one thing that is helping me is to make a list of EVERYTHING that needs to get done. Making a list always calms me (probably has something to do with my learning style!), and just helps me prioritize better (otherwise everything looks like its of the utmost priority).

Hugs, Sweetie! This too shall pass.


Katherine Bone said...

Instigator, the key here is to stop thinking about it. As Maven Linda said, put on some music to match your mood then something to reve you up.

Take a deep breath. As Rhonda said, it could be worse. Find the things that you enjoy and do them. Flip through old albums. That'll put a smile on your face and put everything into perspective. Make a christmas list. Doing things for others, even thinking of doing things for others will brighten your mood.

Last but not least, cut yourself some slack. You are alive and life happens. You are dedicated. I know you'll get those revisions done. Grab a piece of chocolate, put on some good music, dance a little or a lot, sing, and marvel at how brightly the sun is shining in the sky. Inspiration is there...waiting.

(wishing you a better day today)

Problem Child said...

When I'm really P. O.'d, I ask myself: Is killing this person worth spending the rest of my life in prison?

So far, the answer has been "no."

Yeah, but some days, it's a tough call.

Kira Sinclair - AKA Instigator said...

You guys are so sweet. You made me laugh and almost made me cry :-) I knew you'd all understand and have some great ideas on how I could salvage this day.

I think I'm going to treat myself to a nice hot lunch on this cold day and then enjoy spending time with my girls tonight when we get home. No pressure. No to do list.


Minna said...

If I've had a really bad day I go to sauna, but that's a Finnish thing to do. Meditating isn't a bad idea either.

Carol M said...

We all have bad days. Sometimes I just want to scream! Actually, I have done that! lol I'm glad you are feeling better. Forgetting the "to do" list is a good idea. Enjoy your lunch and the time with your daughters instead!

Playground Monitor said...

I don't think I can add anything to the already wonderful list of suggestions. I think it must be the time of year, Mercury in retrograde notwithstanding. The weather's changing and it's hot one day and freezing the next. Our body temperatures don't know how to handle it and it always makes me feel like I've been run over by a train and then the engineer backed up to see what he'd hit.

Hang in there. It's almost the weekend!


Maureen said...

You need to take a nice soak in a tub. Also, chocolate always helps.

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon!
I second the advice about a good long soak in the tub and chocolate. Always makes me feel better :)

Playground Monitor said...

Mercury goes direct on November 17, so hang on and things will get better after that. According to my horoscope, November 21 is supposed to be a stellar day for me.


Verification = xxrhwod

catslady said...

just typing that made me smile. It made me smile too lol.
I've had better days too and hoping tomorrow will be a better one :)

Playground Monitor said...

Uh... I love pot roast. :grin: