Despite horrific weather last night, the Children are away at their chapter meeting today. We'll meet at our favorite hang-out to brainstorm Problem Child's book and enjoy each other's company. After a relaxed lunch, we'll head over to the meeting. We're hoping to learn a lot, since Maven Linda Winstead Jones and our chapter President Bonnie Gardner are in charge of programming today.
While we're away, I thought I'd run a little impromptu contest for all you writers out there. We all have questions, right? Even after we become published, I hope!
I have a copy of Over 100 FAQs Women Asked About Writing, Edited by Angel Brown and Sheri McConnell. There are chapters covering all aspects of craft, marketing and the business side of writing both fiction and non-fiction. This is a great resource!
I'd love to pass this book along to a fellow writer or wanna-be writer! So to win:
~Send me an email at angel@writingplayground.com and tell me the best piece of writing advice you've ever received. Please do this by 5:30pm Sunday evening.
~I'll choose one email at random to receive the book.
~I'll post some of the best advice so we'll all learn something together!
So participate in class today instead of skulking in the back of the room! I know there are a few troublemakers lurking back there. :)
**I know there are a few troublemakers lurking back there. :)**
Hey, I was at the meeting today. Not stirring up any trouble in class...
Oh No. Not you PC ;-)
And by the way, I never skulk.
Skulkers don't get proper credit for their shenanagins.
Sorry -- I was busy today helping the DH with still more yardwork. Then we went to dinner and a movie. I'm sorry to say that while Antonio Banderas looks hot as heck in a tux, the movie "Take the Lead" left me cold. I was wanting more pure ballroom dancing. Ah well...
Thanks to our good friend Kathy, I'll have "Pride and Prejudice" to watch while DH is busy with work this week. :-)
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