I had my fortune read yesterday. Twice as a matter of fact. She used two different methods. And the same words kept appearing repeatedly.
To preface all this, when she asked if I had a specific question to ask, I said no. I just asked her to read it in general.
I’ve been really off-focus the last week. I went gung-ho on a couple projects and got them out the door, and I just can’t get back into another one.
I took an online “Feng Shui for Your Office” class last week and week before and learned bunches, the most important thing being “If it doesn’t feel like it belongs in your office, then it probably doesn’t.” So… I have been on a cleaning-out rampage. I’ve cleaned out in my office. I cleaned out my dresser drawers. I’m getting ready to tackle my closets. The thrift store loves me.
Then this morning I read the blog by Susan Crosby on the Desire Authors' Blog and she talked about staying fresh and putting life in perspective. She listed six ways she fills her creative well. With credit to Susan, I’ll list those here:
~ housework
~ girlfriends
~ movies
~ grandchildren
~ vacations
~ writers conferences
Trust me. I have housework covered!
As for girlfriends, I have three coming for lunch tomorrow (which showed up in my card reading by the way) and on Saturday the Playfriends will meet before our RWA meeting (this is a two-fer).
The new Antonio Banderas movie “Taking the Lead” opens on Friday and I’m hoping I can get to see it over the weekend. My birthday is Monday so maybe I can get dinner and a movie out of it.
Vacations? None planned now.
Grandchildren. Hmmm, just yesterday I received an invitation to my DIL’s baby shower. I can’t attend but I went to her registry and saw they’d picked out a stroller, which was what we’d decided to get them. So that’s ordered and on it’s way to them now. Grandbaby2B will be strollin’ in style.
So maybe I’m not off-focus at all. Maybe I’m just refilling the creative well in the best way my mind knows how. My cards had a repeated theme: success, following the right path, new beginnings, security, happiness, successful projects, new undertakings that work, new line of endeavor. Maybe I’m just getting ready for all this success that’s headed my way.
And if you want to get all “woo-woo”, I got an urgent email from a magazine editor this afternoon. She’d requested an article for the May issue and then I never heard any more about it. I didn’t receive a contract so I was just presuming the article didn’t work out after all and I’d get a nice form rejection letter in the mail some day. Au contraire. Her urgent email was asking me to email her the document file because the copy I sent on CD wouldn’t open. They needed it ASAP because – get this – it’s on the cover!! I think I’ll buy five copies for my mother!
I don’t know about your part of the world, but in mine it’s springtime. The grass is getting green. Flowers are blooming everywhere. And I’ve spotted several bluebirds in my backyard and even put up two houses with hopes that they’d nest. Spring is a time of re-birth and renewal and I’m ready for everything that showed up in my cards. I’m refilling the well and getting ready for a great new beginning.
How are you celebrating the beginning of a new season?

But not just any old sand.
Pull up a chair and I'll tell you why.
When Instigator went to the beach for spring break week before last, she discovered that their beach house was close to one owned by Mr. Tim "Real Bad Boy" McGraw and his lovely wife Faith Hill. So when Instigator asked if she could bring me something from the beach for my contest on the website, I immediately replied "Bring me some Tim McGraw sand."
It has to be special because Tim has walked on it. So has Faith. And so have Maggie and Audrey and Gracie, their three girls. It's magic sand.
And some of it is going to be added to the prize package for the current contest. The winner and runner-up will both get a smidgeon of Tim McGraw's oceanfront property. **GG**
I'm getting my cards read tomorrow. I can't wait.
Of course, girlfriend lunch is a given. I'm all about lunch--even if I am dieting.
The lunch menu is healthy -- except for that dessert you promised. *g*
The reading sounds very interesting, PM. Sounds like good things are in store for you.
Congrates on the Magazine Cover, PM!
After having been sick this past week, I'm enjoying the earth's rebirth, my renewed state of health, everything that makes life worth living, and seeing it all with brighter, more appreicative eyes.
Don't know what the cards have in store for me, but I'm ready.
I'm not sure if I'm refilling, but I'm definitely clearing out - mentally, at least. A lot of my stress has been wiped clean and has finally allowed me to proceed with my writing. I haven't had words flow without coercion for nearly a year. What a relief.
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