Monday, January 14, 2008

Newness of it All

Plotting a new book is always so much fun. This weekend, out of the blue, a new idea sparked. Actually, it's a twist on an old idea. :)

Since then, the images and light bulb moments have flowed like a leak slowly getting bigger and bigger. Too bad I'm in the middle of another book. But I'm trying to write it and plot this next one at the same time (I'm a plotter, not a panster). At the very least, it makes me want to finish this one quickly. :)

For a writer, new ideas lend vitality not just to writing, but to life in general. Writers are weird that way. During life's mundane challenges – like keeping the dishes washed – our minds are busy with, well, the people in our minds. Okay, step away with the white jacket...



Anonymous said...

Ah, enjoy the blush of a new project, Angel.

Katherine Bone said...

Not to worry, Angel. You aren't the only one sitting in a padded room. :-)

Lynn Raye Harris said...

Yay! Congrats, Angel! I love it when a new idea comes. :) Since I came back from vacation, my muse has refused to cooperate and the voice of doubt has been there instead. And then, just this past week, the muse came back with a vengeance. :) She's happy. I have no idea why, and I'm not asking. Just going with the flow. :)

Rhonda Nelson said...

Oh, how I love a shiny new idea! And yes, isn't it funny how they always show up when you're mired down in the middle of another book? :-)

Playground Monitor said...

Since most of my short story ideas come from newspaper stories or things I see online, I just clip them out or print the page and shove them into a folder. The folder is huge but I never lack for ideas. I just lack for discipline to write them.

Uh... is there space in the padded room for one more?

Problem Child said...

Hey, that's what I'm off to do this weekend--plot my new book with my CP.

Provided the weather cooperates...

Anonymous said...

Good luck writing your new book.

Pat. L.