I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday (and plenty of recovery time over the weekend)! I know our house was busy with excited children and lots of visitors. Now I’m heading to Florida to visit with my parents before my kids have to return to school. Then it is back to the grindstone for me.
Today, I’m blogging over at the Ruby Slippered Sisterhood about building goals for the new year. If you are like me, and like to take some time to think about the coming year and prepare a plan of attack, join me over there! I’ll be taking questions and suggestions, and discussing everyone’s plans for 2010. I’d love to see you there!
The Playfriends are hard at work on the changes coming to our website next week (or rather, Smarty Pants is—she gets the brunt of the labor). We’re very excited and will be running a contest next week during theme week to celebrate our new look. So don’t forget to join us for that!
Hope all of our readers get a few days off to celebrate the new year this week! Enjoy!
I've BEEN visitin' and will head out in a few to make the 500 mile drive home. Ugh. But it was nice to spend Christmas with my mother even if she is recovering from surgery and we can't get into trouble. ::grin::
We had a wonderful holiday. I got a few surprises that were completely unexpected. Good ones and one bad.
Sadly, my aunt passed away on Christmas Eve. She had Down Syndrome and had lived to be 56 years old. She was such a beautiful soul and is now with the angels. Clarence did I hear that bell ring?
My hectic schedule is slowing down a bit and not a moment too soon. I'm appreciating it. ;)
Here's hoping everyone else had a fantastic holiday!
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