I also have to admit that I usually get a severe case of the blahs every winter and that isn't alleviated by the letdown that follows Christmas or the pervasive idea that everyone should suddenly be improving themselves. Maybe it's just my general bad mood, but the abundance of diet commercials, exercise equipment ads and talk of 'a better you' makes me want to scream that there's nothing wrong with me!
What I really want to be doing is holing up beneath a pile of blankets and hibernating until at least March. Not waking up early to brave thirty degree weather to get to the gym for a workout I won't enjoy. Please. That's a recipe for failure if ever I've heard one. So I've decided not to make those kinds of doomed New Year's resolutions. Yes, I'm trying to get into a better health routine, but that's something I've been working on since this summer. And I have a lot of writing goals, but those have been set for months now and are more about time conservation than anything else. Striving to be a better person is something I do all year long...not just a couple months out of the year.
Yes, I understand that changing to a blank calendar seems to offer the perfect opportunity to make other sweeping changes. Those shiny new pages just scream to be filled. But for me this time of year ends up being the worst time to make the kinds of resolutions that are already difficult to keep. So I'm not doing it now...check back with me in July for my New Year's resolutions.
Did you make resolutions this year? Have you already fallen off the wagon?
I don't do resolutions, but I almost always start a diet this time of year because I almost always eat too much during the holidays. This year I started a couple of days before the New Year. It was just time. It sounds like you might benefit from light therapy! All these crappy energy efficient light bulbs don't help matters at all. Sit in the sun, when you get the chance, and if you can still BUY them, the full spectrum lights help, too. -- LJ
I don't do resolutions either. I too suffer from SAD and I bought one of those lights from Brookstone. I sit in front of it for thirty minutes a day and sit outside when I can stand the cold and the sun is shining. It helps!
Right now my resolution is to appreciate life and my wonderful friends and family. My wreck last week has made me realize just how important and special they are.
And now I'm hobbling back to the couch to ice whichever part hurts the worst.
I do need one of those lights, LJ! I keep meaning to look into getting one but just haven't done it yet. I definitely need more sun. :-)
PM, ice everything. I hope you feel better soon! I don't like hearing that you're sore. :-(
My diet resolutions went down the drain this week. What little time I had to exercise has disappeared from work changes and basketball games. Sigh.
Right now I'm just trying to feel better - so I've focused on drinking more water and stopping eating when I'm full. And sleep. Getting back on my sleep routine is essential!
My diet resolutions went down the drain this week. What little time I had to exercise has disappeared from work changes and basketball games. Sigh.
Right now I'm just trying to feel better - so I've focused on drinking more water and stopping eating when I'm full. And sleep. Getting back on my sleep routine is essential!
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