I'm going to take the easy way out and talk about Mother's Day today too! :) Hey, I've got to take advantage when I can.
My very understanding husband realized that the best medicine for me after the last few hectic weeks would be some time to myself. So we had a leisurely breakfast, then he threw me out of the house with some money and told me not to come back until bedtime. Bless him!
I went to the movies and saw Poseidon, which was great. I love the old one and the remake is just as good! Then I went to the craft store and clothing store and browsed to my heart's content, picking up some bargains along the way. My children gave me a gift certificate, so I bought some new bras (can't go wrong with good, quality underwear, right ladies!). Then I went flower shopping and out to dinner with my mother- and sister-in-law. It was great to enjoy adult conversation without any of us being interrupted by someone who wants the attention returned to them. Then I went to a coffee shop and had a caramel macchioto while I worked on my synopsis.
All in all, a wonderful day! I came home to lots of hugs and kisses before my husband put the kids to bed. Now I feel tired and happy and reluctant to start my week. But I know it will be a better week for the break I had today.
Many times as a mother I've felt under-appreciated and over-stressed. Many times I've felt invisible and tired. But there are other times my heart has swelled to bursting as I watched my children or cuddled them. I experience awe as I watch them grow up and learn new things. And through it all I wish with all my heart to be the best mother I can be. As a very smart person once told me, "If you worry about being a good mother, then you are one." I must be a great mother, because I worry about it a lot! :)
I'm not a traditional mother. I'm not a disconnected mother. I'm not a young or old mother. I'm just a mother hoping to make a peaceful, loving home for her family, while not losing myself in the process. Today I received hope that I've succeeded in some small way, for I received the following card from my husband:
You're more than a wonderful Mom--
you're the keeper of memories,
the maker of everyday miracles,
and the one whose love brightens the ordinary days
and makes every occasion special.
You're more than a wonderful Mom--
you're a remarkable woman who's thought of today and always with love
and a wish for everything that brings you joy.
Coming from a husband who normally goes for the funny cards, this one is extra special! His regard and insight means the world to me.
I'd like to remind all you mothers out there how special you are. You work hard, look out for everyone, do the grunt work nobody else wants, and second-guess your struggle to do the right thing, all the while trying not to lose yourself completely. Now that I'm a mother, I realize how hard all that really is. So here's to you! Great job!
How did all you ladies spend your Mother's Day?
PS The Children would like to wish our friend, author Rhonda Nelson, a speedy recovery from her surgery today! Take it easy, Rhonda, and milk the sympathy for all it is worth!
How did I spend Mother's Day? I went to breakfast at Cracker Barrell then came home and watched movies in bed on the big screen TV. The Family Stone. Memoires of a Geisha, Rumor Has It, Tristan and Isolde. I have A New World but I'm not sure I'll get to it tonight. My girls crawled up with me several times during the day to cuddle and watch. DH came in to check on me often :-) It was so relaxing. I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow when the whirlwind starts again.
Wishing you a speedy recovery, Rhonda. I know what you're going through.
I had a wonderful Mother's Day! After church my family went to the new movie complex and saw Poseidon, too. (Much better than the original! And hey, you guys have got to see this movie theatre, Rave. WOW!) We vowed to go to that theatre from now on and then went to dinner at Olive Garden. Delicious!
Phone calls were made and received, the rest of the day spent relaxing...heaven! My day was made more special knowing that my son had returned safely from the Persian Gulf, a week and a half ago!!!
Even though it's the day after Mother's Day, let us remember all the Moms who have sons and daughters, perhaps husbands and brothers overseas serving our country.
Well, my dog and cats didn't get me a gift again this year. :)
My mom spent most the weekend trying to lay a concrete paver patio and was completely exhausted, so I made them dinner and delivered it to their house so she didn't have to worry about it. That was the high point of my day. I didn't do much else except straighten up after the party. That's really all I could manage, I was beat!
Hey, Smarty Pants! Yeah, the best Mommy in the world. This is a Mother's Day wish from your three buds at home, your dog and two cats. Thanks for picking up our poop and feeding us. Oh yeah, and for scratching our ears.
Peace, out!
I spent my day catching up on a hundred things...boring, I know, but getting all that done sure made me feel a lot better!
DG took us all out for dinner, and I have new movies for when I get caught up and have a chance to sit back and relax...
Glad everyone had a good day!
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