While it’s our First Amendment gar-awn-tee that lets us complain -- yet never bother with casting an actual ballot -- it’s the 19th Amendment that should nudge whatever part of our guilty consciences need nudging to get our peep-toe pumped tootsies over to the ballot box tomorrow.
103 years! That’s the small amount of time we chicks have been allowed to rock the vote. Well, except Native American women, who didn’t get the vote till after the 1924 act that made them citizens of, um, America.
So, all these women fighting for a couple hundred years so you and I can vote – or not – leads my thoughts, naturally to one thing –
Did it really take U.S. politicians a couple hundred years to realize how much more sex they’d get if they’d just give their babes the ballot? I mean, their wives all cannot have been happy that the guys were labeling Suffragettes unnatural, manly, an affront to what constitutes real and good and feminine women and wives.
And I’m thinking that even if a pol’s woman weren’t fighting for the right to vote, she just might have cut off the big guy in sisterly solidarity w/out his ever knowing the real reason. We’ve read enough romances with the same theme – a group of women leaving their menfolk high/dry to make a point – to know that form of civil disobedience can work to great effect. No wonder men never smiled in those old photographs!
What makes you proud to be a woman? What makes you feel most connected to your fellow chicks?” If you did have a cabana boy, what the heck would you do with him? (It’s money/mouth time, girlfriends)!
Vote for 6 Prizes! Presidential Prize: 12 pack of new romances! V.P. Prize: 6 pack of new romances! Also-ran Prizes: “Salvation in Death” ARC/Robb; “Faefever” Moning; “Mr. Cavendish, I Presume” Quinn; “All I Want for Christmas is a Vampire” Sparks
P.S. Click on the red-white-and-blue logo to the left to visit Lifetime's Every Woman Counts page.
And in case you missed the link at the top, the Playfriends're blogging here today.
Hi Bella,
I love the sexy cabana boys. Tomas is currently my favorite. He's been very attentive. I'm so thankful that we can live the life we want, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't strive for more equality between men and women. Women still get paid less than men. Most women feel connected by their shared experiences, with the opposite sex or in the workplace.
This is an exciting election for me because my daughter can vote but she goes works full time and goes to school at night so we have to work around her schedule since she's too worried about what to do to go by herself. When you think about it there haven't been that many years where women can vote but as I was raising my daughter she never felt like there was something she couldn't do because she was a woman.
Welcome back Michelle and all the Bellas! I will be at the polls bright and early tomorrow morning. My state isn't a battleground state, but I'll still proudly cast my vote.
This is DG's first Presidential election since he became a US citizen, so he finally gets to vote. At least I won't be alone in line...
What? No wenches? Pass the ale!
I won't be voting tomorrow -- there was that issue of a brush with the law, you know.
But I remain, as always,
Your servent,
J. Sparrow
Buongiorno, Playfriends!!! I'm still getting the kidlets off to school -- plus, my computer froze up this morning, which I don't even want to mention, cause it's like tempting the digital gods. So I'm gonna check what you've got tosay, then order a cocktail (cause I need one already) then comment...
Thanks for hanging with me today, and thanks again for inviting me.:)
Ooooh, Rodrigo can give me a massage ANYTIME!
Hi ladies, and congrats on your writing accomplishments. You do women proud, especially we readers who love a good romance and cannot get enough of 'em. I would be in that category.
I love how women are so supportive of each other. When you consider all we have on our plates - family, career, friends, committees (the list goes on and on) it's a wonder sometimes that we're still standing. With the help of your bff's, we can manage pretty much anything. Sure, the green-eyed monster (mine is a rather vivid combo shade of snot and chartreuse) rears its hideous head from time to time, but overall, we love our sisters and want them to do well. So I'm proud of the way we care for each other. Any woman that doesn't feel this way isn't a true friend, imho.
Morning, ladies. Welcome to Michelle and all the Bellas here to visit today.
This will be my third presidential election. I turned 18 in time to vote when Al Gore ran against George W. That was exciting. I still have the sticker that says "I voted." They also did this special thing ringing bells and making a hoopla when someone voted for the first time.
That was in Vegas, but I wonder if they'll do it here for DG...? :)
Jane, I'm so pleased you like Tomas! He's very busy, working between our two blogs. But all the hoofing seems to be doing marvelous things for his -- well, it's lovely watching him hurry off to get our cocktails, that's all's I'm sayin.
Last night, my son brought up the point of women getting paid less than men. He was reading in a book he likes, "Larry for President," by Janet Tashjian (sp?). He was dumbfounded; just couldn't believe it. It's kind of like what you're saying, Maureen, about your daughter. He doesn't see women as deserving less.
I see your daughter's generation as the result of women fighting so hard inthe "Second Wave," taking so much flak, the same garbage the suffragists took and feminists still hear about being manly, etc. But I LOVE when girls and young women don't see themselves as anything but equal. When they read the writing on the wall, they'll be that much more peeved -- and believe that much more in their ability to change things. FABulous!!! (and it's a credit to you she views herself that way, Maureen):)
Hi, PC!!! I'm with you on the vote. Here in IL, it's pretty clear which way the wind blows, but very strong candidates from both sides/aisle make it an exciting election cycle.
Cap'n Jack, you sly, salty dog! Even though you can't vote, I know you're a huge believer in supporting women, putting them on pedestals, if you will...
Stace!!! I love that you celebrate a birthMONTH, not just a birthday. It's the only way to go. And your honesty about women and friendships is refreshing. I don't think jealousy amongst friends is a particularly feminine trait. But women get bashed for it by men. I think we all feel it, even between friends we love. But when they're really good friends -- and we're pretty secure in ourselves overall -- we can tame it and still be supportive and wish em well.
The thing that bothers me is that particular phenomenon of successful women not being able to support other successful women. I've seen many times women who you'd think would be totally in the corner of their sisters when they gain success -- or be there to help them do so. Yet they get ridiculously petty and unsupportive, perhaps even try to put up roadblocks. Biz-arre.
Within the romance community, I've been astonished at the many women who've gone out of their ways to help me, make an opportunity for me, remember that I helped them in some way. And they've done so generously and without expectation of return on the investment. Outside of the romance industry, it's just not that way. Which isn't to say it's that way with everyone in the industry. I've simply been blessed and fortunate.
The same goes withthe women I've met at RBTB and online. They're incredibly supportive and loyal. And maybe that's the purest form of friendship: remaining a friend when the only payoff is intimacy and interaction. I mean, we can't even borrow each other's clothes or pressure each other to babysit. And yet, we remain friends. Go figure...
Oh help me out, please? DG? I know I'm pathetic.
Oh, sorry. DG = Darling Geek, PC's husband who gets to vote for the first time tomorrow. We had too many DH's around here, so we had to differentiate.
Just sending out a wave!
I'll be voting and bringing the kids with me, its good for them to see the whole process in action.
What connects me to my fellow women is humor, tenacity, and creativity.
Have a great day all and see you at the polls!
Oh, M.V.! That's awesome. I have such great memories of going to the polls w/ my mom. I remember going home one year and pretending to vote with my F Price cash register. I asked my mom who she voted for and she told me it was our privilege to have a 'secret ballot' in the U.S. I was really frustrated at the time, angry that she wouldn't tell me. But now I think of it as a marvelous lesson in how precious is our right to vote. And how exquisitely we can torture our kids. :)
And I like what you say about creativity. I'm inspired by humor in friends. And definitely loyalty. Strength? I'm always amazed at what women go through on a daily basis, even those with happy lives. 'taint easy. that's why we rock.
I won't begin to tell my kids how to vote, but I have reminded them of how important it is for them to vote.
This is my 10th presidential election to vote in. And I've lived through more presidencies than I can count on both hands. Harry S was president when I was born. Whoa! Where did the years go???
My beautiful Playfriends. I am at your service. How may I service you?
Mmmm.... that is a dangerous offer, Rodrigo. Lets just start with a hot oil massage...
LOL, you are certainly correct--bringing the kids to the polls, while painful at times, is a great way to set a precedence. I love that your mom brought you. How wonderful!
And for Rodrigo, your offer comes at an expeditious time, I have this kink right there between the shoulder blades that needs a bit of work...LOL..... ;)
I better get back to my work...:)
Good morning everyone! I love a good party. Bring on the cabana boys and the drinks.
My girls have gone to vote with me since they were infants in their little carriers. I will admit that when they were toddlers trying to vote while also trying to wrangle them (and keep them from running rings around the other voters) was rather frustrating but being there was more important. This year Sweet Pea is 7 and Baby Girl is 4 and they'll both be with me again. I'm hoping that Sweet Pea will understand a bit more this time.
Welcome, Michelle and all the Bellas!!! So glad to have you here!
I am, of course, so grateful for my fellow playfriends and the few other close friends I have. I've realized over the years that often times in groups of women, there can be an overriding theme of cattiness that is a disgrace to our sex. I've been amazed in the writing/reading community how that is the exception rather than the rule. The support and camaraderie offered by my fellow women is wonderful.
There is also a huge celebration of the fact that we're, well, women! :) Women with responsibilities, dreams, and goals, and a wonderful appreciation for the males of our species (Where do you get those sexy pics, Michelle?). Our accomplishments and our place is this world.
Oh, a cabana boy first thing in the morning is a beautiful thing! :)
Well, I have voted in every election since I've been old enough. But this is my first time to do it in person. Same for my hubby. It feels really awesome to know we'll be standing in line and casting a vote like everyone else. We've always voted absentee because we were military. So this is a milestone for us. :)
Darn it, I hit the button before I finished. As for friends, I've found women in the writing community to be so welcoming and helpful. There can be an undercurrent from time to time in certain places, but I've not found that with the friends I've made in my local chapter. I appreciate their friendship and support. :)
If I had a cabana boy, I think I'd need him to be proficient in massage. He could give me massages, fetch me drinks, and read books to me. My hubby might object to more than that (oh, I'm sure he'd object to that much).
Amazingly enough I have never voted. This will my husbands first year voting. I can't wait to see who wins because either way it is going to be history in the making. Either we will have the first women vice president or the first black president. It is going to go down in the history books no matter who wins and I think that is amazing.
Si, rebekah! Yet one day, it will be a big dream of all democracies accomplished when we have a cabana boy in the oval office!
Well, we are not voting for president here in Finland right now, although we did just vote for those who are going to represent us in our muncipalities and counties. What comes to president, right now we have a woman as a president and it's her second term, too.
I think the conversations I have with my girlfriends is what connects me most and the successes we have is mostly what I'm proud of. We have really come a long way. I can't imagine living in those times way back when women couldn't speak their minds or have a say in anything.
Tomas...he's my pick and just waiting to spend the day with me. I just know it. lol
I love these cabana boys. I am going with Tomas because I love his smile. Although Earl I kind of feel sorry for because he looks like a real winner!!!
I don't think it is right that women still get paid less then men because they usually work harder then a man and there day doesn't end when they get off work, they still have a days work to do when they get home.
It's so true, Virginia. And sometimes we just take on so much more than anyone even asks of us. I wonder if the young crop of womens coming up feels that same need... It'd be cool if they didn't.
Minna, that's awesome! Nice to see you, btw!!!
Lynn Rae, enjoy the polls! and thanks for stopping in to say hi!
It's so cool to see you all here and at RBTB! :)
Good Morning Everyone!
Yes, I too will be standing in line tomorrow casting my vote.
I agree with the others - all the women I have met in the romance writing/reading community have all been friendly, helpful and supportive. It's nice to connect and establish new friendships with other women that 'get' you.
Just wondering...Do you think we could write Rodrigo in on the ballot? I'm sure if you just posted his picture on the ballot he would win by a landslide. And he certainly looks capable of curing woman suffrage!!
Em, who ordered the Dirty Sex on the Beach? My laptop seems to be on the, how do you say, frizz? Che? Dirty Sex on the Beach is not a real cocktail, Michelle? Oh. I see, the Playfriends, they are making the sexy joke. Very naughty girls.
Hi, Michelle! I love the bonds that women have in friendships--there's nothing like the support you can get from your sisters (blood and otherwise)! And honestly, I'd put my poor cabana boy to work--I could use some help with the housework and cooking today! ;)
Si, Sherry, tell me where you suffrage, and I will kiss it better...
We are full-service cabana boys, flchen, lucky for you. and lucky for us, we're wearing our speedos, because the housework can get very hot and sweaty, no?
I love to vote! I like going to the polls and getting the experience. I take my son with me every year. My family actually picks a night to all get together and go over all of the ballots and mark down in our books how we might want to vote, so when we do vote it goes pretty fast. It’s always an interesting night because we tend to get into debates on topics and sometimes have to drop it and everyone just votes their own way :o)
I also got my Boss registered to vote and he voted for the first time this year.
My whole family has already voted. They offered advance voting here, and 35% of the registered voters have already voted. I am excited to see the increasing number of people getting involved and voting this time. My youngest son is voting in his first election.
There are, of course, people who complain but never vote. My 60-something neighbors tell me they haven't voted in 40 YEARS! Can you believe that?
Thanks for the cabana boys! We can celebrate that we all have the right to vote in this country!
I just read Rodrigo's full name. He does look awfully good in a Speedo.
Jeepers, how long has it taken me to get here! Have been embroiled in deep career thoughts all day...
No voting here in the UK, of course, but we're watching your elections with interest. There's extensive coverage every night, on the telly.
Rodrigo, do you have any fruity pink wine available at your bar? Or maybe Capt. Jack can serve me a flagon of ale... or summink just as intoxicating from his private reserve, nudge nudge, wink, wink.
Hi Bella,
Great to have you here. The Cabana Boys certainly are easy on the eyes.
I voted and am grateful for this freedom. My women friends all enjoy their equality, strength and various talents.
Wow! Y'all have been busy while some of us were having a write-in. We had 4 hours of writing time with a break every 45 minutes to stretch, potty, eat, talk, whatever. In the middle we ate our brown bag lunches and talked. I don't know about the others, but it was a superbly productive morning for me. Bring on the next one! There's too much distraction at my house -- dirty baseboards, a rotten pear in the fruit bowl, the fingerprints on the back door glass, dirty laundry calling me from all the way across the house.
Oh Paulo! Can you be a dear and bring me something tall and cool? You? ::giggle:: You're certainly tall but you are hot, hot, hot, baby.
Oh, and in Finland women got the right to vote -third in the world, first in Europe- in 1906 while we were still part of Russia. We also got the first elected female politicians to our parliament that year.
Those boys are great! Our whole family has voted and I am proud that we can. Being a teacher I hope that the students take this seriously. Women should appreciate all the opportunities available for them and more than ever can be whatever they wish.
You women are running me ragged! And this Capitan Jack, he is not much help. It seems so many of the women he serves keep slapping him across his face. Could it be right that he's saying, "I didn't deserve that?" Sometimes, I get confused with the English.
Well, Jane, the di Speedos are a very long and proud heritage. We are well known for the eagerness with which we approach our cabana boy duties.
Ah, Monitor of the Playground, I am very happy you are pleased with Paulo. He is new and very eager. Has he shown you yet his body art?
Oh, yes, Miss Portia! I have some private reserve for you right here!
Leeann! What a great story about getting your boss registered! It's really encouraging to hear how many new folks will be at the polls this year. And congrats to you and the little guy! First Day is quite and accomplishment for you both. :)
Minna, that's so cool!
Diane, I love hearing women talk about the things they admire in their friends. If we're smart, we compliment ourselves in our very good taste in pals! :)
But so far we don't have a woman who would have gotten a Nobel prize. Maybe next time. This year, however, it was our former president Martti Ahtisaari who got the Nobel Peace Prize.
I know I'm late to the party, but I just wanted to give a shout-out to Michelle and all the bellas. I will be exercising my right and privilege to vote tomorrow. Probably be breezing in during my lunch hour or after work. I think the thing I like most about being a woman is that we can show all our emotions and feelings with our friends and it doesn't take away from our strength; in fact, I think we draw our strength from sharing our feelings with each other and giving and receiving support between friends.
Cheryl S.
Thanks to you and your crew for your prompt assistance, Rodrigo! So refreshing to see such a positive attitude and such attractive attire :)
Sooo late. I am so proud to be a woman and to have wonderful women friends in person and on-line!
Leeann, I bring my young son too. I have never been this excited about an election and I think it is because it's so historic...and about time.
Tomas--Rodrigo--Cap'n Jack. Yes please.
Hiya, Cheryl! Thanks for stopping over! You know, I couldn't have captured better the sentiment of what's great about being a woman. I love what you've written. Rodrigo? Make sure Cheryl's hooked up, darling...
Minna, I'd say you all are already ahead of the game. :)
hot guys wish i was with them instead in the rainhere. govote 08
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