As we speak, the Children are scuttling around their homes, gathering up last minute items into their luggage, going over their to-do lists in their minds, and trying to keep their household happy in the meantime. Tomorrow, it's off to Hot-lanta at o'dark-thirty.
If you're coming to Nationals, that's awesome! We hope to see you there. We'll have our t-shirts and buttons with us most times if you can't recognize us by our mug shots. (I, for example, look nothing like my pictures in person. Alex online is much cuter!) Remember to hit the Goody Room and drop in your card with "SQUEE" written on the back in our box to get entered into our contest just for our blog readers. If you can't make it this time around, never fear, we'd never leave our readers behind!
As time and free Wi-fi allows, the Playfriends will be checking in with the happenings of the conference. I'm certain we'll have oodles of info and good news to share. Maybe even a fun pic or two. Be sure to check back.
We'll miss you all. See you next week!
SP (Today it stands for Speedy Packer. Or Seriously Procrastinating.)
1 comment:
Have fun and be safe!
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