The teenage years have officially arrived at our house. Drama Queen turned 12 last week. As many of you surely know, it’s a precious, frustrating time of extreme moodiness, surprisingly mature choices, lingering childishness, and lots and lots of growing. Like I said, precious and frustrating.
But this birthday, the thing I mourned most was the shopping. You see, I used to go to the store and pick out all these cute things that I thought she'd love – clothes, toys, girlie stuff. And she did. Present opening was one surprise after another. Now, not so much.
She's become extremely picky about her clothes, so I didn't even bother shopping before her birthday. We simply went together and spent 5 frustrating hours picking out 7 shirts (half of those were multiples of a type of shirt in various colors), 2 shorts, 3 tanks, and 1 jacket – and various lip glosses, perfume, and accessories. I'm not allowed to pick out the girlie girl stuff anymore either.
The things that I'm allowed to buy are gift cards, books (she keeps a wish list, so this really doesn't count), and well, that's about it.
Sigh… I'm seriously longing for the good ol' days. But I guess if shopping is our major issue, I should count myself lucky, huh?
I miss going to the toy store lol. It doesn't get any easier and only more expensive lol. I have two grown daughters and take them if I can. I haven't got to the point of gift cards yet but it's getting tempting. One daughter wants to be surprised so doesn't want the GC's really but would never complain. I'm the one that feels bad about not coming up with those wonderful surprises of childhood but every once in a while I pull it off lol.
I love shopping for the girls. It's always made me so happy to get something I know they're going to love and then watch their delighted faces when they open it. But I know those days are winding down. Sweet Pea already knows what she's getting for her birthday in 4 months. She's been told we won't foot the entire bill for what she wants so she's been saving every single penny she gets for the past 3 months. On one hand I'm very proud of her for setting a goal and figuring out what she needs to do to achieve it. And part of me is upset that I won't be able to make a big fuss over her birthday because she'll probably have her present long before the actual day.
I think its the surprised, happy face that I miss the most. I mean, the kid has to have clothes, and Christmas and birthdays is when they get them. That's as often as I can afford to buy, unless they want to get far less presents and shop at other times.
I also got her a book she liked and make-up / nail stuff. That went over well, but the fact is that she'd rather pick out her own stuff. *shrugs*
Ah, I'm so proud of Sweet Pea! That's hard work!
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