The Playfriends are prepping for a trek to the mountains of Tennessee for our local chapter’s Annual Retreat. I’ve always loved a good retreat, from the time I attended my first for my youth group at age 12. These times of getting away from the daily grind and just relaxing are even more precious to me now.
For our chapter retreat, we don’t do a lot of writing (although my sister and I plan to do some writing sprints while we’re gone). We talk a lot of writing – plotting, industry, process, etc. and I’ve learned some of my most important lessons during these impromptu discussions. But we also talk a lot about life – family, jobs, and the struggle to make our work a priority in the midst of the chaos. Those chats are even more precious to me!
That is an annual retreat that I indulge in once a year. Sometimes I have to scrimp and save to be able to afford, but I just can’t not go. I think after all my hard work all year, I deserve it. And so does my creativity. Its really hard to sustain a consistent writing pace in the chaos that is my life. But it isn’t the only type of retreat. There are authors who get away in little groups of 3 or 4 to brainstorm story ideas. Some chapters have actual WRITING retreats where the goals is to get a lot of pages done while you are gone. And then there is the solo retreat.
I haven’t been away by myself for a weekend since my son was little. My husband gave me a weekend at a bed and breakfast, alone, for Mother’s Day that year. This year, I’m taking a little bit of time and money and running away from home for a few days. Oddly enough, the hubby is supportive. LOL I think he hopes I’ll come back more sane and rested… and did I mention sane? Wishful thinking.
But I plan to sleep, write, swim, write, eat, write, nap, write, and maybe do a little sightseeing to refill the well. I can’t wait! I’m more excited about this than I have been about anything in a long time. Pathetic, huh? But to me it sounds like heaven.
Have you ever retreated with a group or by yourself? If you could get away BY YOURSELF for a few days, where would you go? What would you do?
I can't wait for the weekend! I have far too much to do to even think about leaving the house, but I'll be there anyway!
A couple of days away alone sounds fab as well... Hmm, wonder if I can manage that?
Looking forward to the trip, Angel. I enjoy seeing everyone and just talking! Can't wait!
I'm so looking forward to this weekend! I've survived homecoming and this is my reward. I'm not even going to feel guilty for missing the last regular games of the season. It's been way too long since I've had a chance to just sit and talk with my friends. :-)
Calgon, take me away! I am soooo looking forward to the retreat. And the weather is supposed to cool down so it'll be beautiful in the mountains.
What would I do if I could get away by myself for a few days? I'm glad you asked. Last week I booked myself 3 nights at a B&B in the Smokies, a facial and massage at a day spa and the Christmas tour of Biltmore House. I'm sooooo looking forward to that too!
I am psyched. I have a ton to do, but still very ready to go!
I am counting down the days! My family seems to keep forgetting that I will not be home next weekend. I reminded them again last night and they looked shocked..again. I am so looking forward to this trip. Wonderful friends and great conversation, delicious food and nice long nature walks. Aaahh..I can't wait!
I'm looking forward to this weekend too! And I'm definitely struggling with guilt for both leaving the family this weekend, and leaving in November (for a few days that only benefits myself -- how selfish is that!).
I know these little getaways benefit my family too, in that they have a much more calm, happy mother to deal with. And I keep holding onto that. (Insti-anyone who makes it through all those ball games DESERVES a getaway.)
Ah, PM, the Biltmore. One of these days I'm going to get to see it. One day!
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