But its over now. Well, at least for those two. Work of a writer is never done, right? Now there's still the third book to revise and the one I want to pitch at Nationals (I found out I'm scheduled for 10:20 and 10:50 pitch appointments, so back to back panic mode). I've got great appointments this year and I want to make the most of it. I have no illusions of a pink ribbon this time, but maybe if I lay the right groundwork now, maybe next year. Who knows.
Whether or not I manage to pull off an actual vacation this week, I'm at least going to take a vacation from everything else in my life (but work, still gotta go there, but I'm going to take a 4 day holiday.) I'm going to try to relax, recharge and prepare my self for the chaos that July promises. I'm going to read, watch reruns of Law and Order and try not to worry about the fact that my career is resting in a Tyvek envelope on its way to New York City.
Are you planning any trips this summer? Even just a staycation? What do you do between major projects to recharge?
Can't exactly call it a vacation but I've been taking care of my mother after her surgery. She lives on the coast and I'm actually going to get to go to the beach today. YAY!
Sadly, I've been trying to recharge for over a year now.
YAY! Everything crossed for you. :-)
I wish I could take a few days to relax before the chaos of July begins but I don't think it's going to happen.
We're playing with the idea of going somewhere over the weekend of the 4th, but since no fabulous ideas have come to us it probably won't happen. We're more likely to take a vacation in the spring or fall, since we no longer have to schedule time off around kids in school. So, Orlando will probably be it for me this summer.
I recharge with movies, music, and massage. Ah, the three Ms. M&M&M. :-)
My family is coming up to visit for the weekend of the 4th. My dad, oldest niece and I are running in a 5K on Saturday morning. Might take kids to see downtown fireworks on Sunday night. Nashville puts on an amazing show.
Only vacation I have scheduled is to go to Nationals this year. Almost didn't go when it got moved from Nashville, but really excited the closer it gets.
Yay SP! Congratulations on getting those books out the door! Sounds like you have been a writing machine!
Looks like my only vacation this year will be to Nationals. But that's ok. I've waited for years to finally get to go!
No vacations here. I have to start painting some rooms in the house!
It will probably be a staycation. I have hospital bills that have to be paid and my oldest daughter is having surgery in July. Another bill to look forward to o' joy.
Just Nationals for me. This is turning out to be an expensive summer, so we'll be playing it low this year. :) Congrats on getting the books out the door.
vOn vacation as we speak: had forgotten what it was like to just loll around a pool with little ones and hang out and do NOTHING for hours other than entertain little ones (my friend's kids are 4 & 6). Gosh, how mellow. But I have a goal of a scene a day minus travel days and have, for the most part, stuck to it. Nationals LOOM.
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