Sigh. "Sunday," I told him. He went into a panic and immediately started grasping at cards. His wife should thank me.
You know, Valentine's Day is the same day every year. It doesn't change like Thanksgiving or President's Day. Its pretty easy to keep up with. And yet it sneaks up on men every year. I used to work at Hallmark in high school. We'd have Valentine's stuff out December 27th, but the men would show up on Valentine's Day after work, like clockwork. We were always prepared with inflated balloons and pre-assembled gift bags and ribbon for them to buy in a rush. And would they! Prices they would normally scoff at - like the $50 3-lb heart box of Russell Stovers candy that no one had touched since we put them on the shelves. Sold out by 5:30. You could taste the desperation in the air as they rushed into the store, completely caught off guard by the sudden onset of the holiday they dread.
And they do dread it. They must. DB grumbles at every stupid, sappy jewelry commercial on television. They have all this pressure to deliver some grand romantic gesture. The same pressure doesn't really fall on women. The truth of the matter is that instead of overpriced roses and jewelry I'll rarely wear on some random day in February, I'd prefer a year of helping me keep the house clean, unloading the dishwasher, rubbing my shoulders when I've had a long day or maybe offering to cook or pickup Chinese when I've got no enthusiasm to cook. Unexpected flowers on a Thursday in July just because. There really is truth in those "Porn for Women" calendars. Unfortunately, that's not something they can sell in stores like teddy bears and candy.
Have you ever played that game "Would you rather...?" where you have to choose between two things (usually unpleasant)? Like, would you rather eat a bowl of live crickets or pull out your toenail with tweezers? Ouch. Anyway, I read a report not too long ago that said that one in five people would rather spend their Valentine's Day with their pet than a lover. It's no wonder. I'm not sure how excited I'd be if my guy looked at it as some obligation - some annual sacrifice to the sex gods for continued hanky panky and (at least in my house) biscuits and gravy over the next year.
Got any exciting plans this Valentine's Day? What's the best or most original gift you've ever received from your significant one? Would you rather spend it with your dog? DB is working, so I'm spending it with my pets whether I want to or not. I should be kind and offer to babysit so someone else can have a nice night. Hmm...
PS. The winner of last week's FBF is Magnolia! Magnolia, please send your snail mail info to to claim your copy of Magnate's Mistress... Accidentally Pregnant! (which is in its 3rd week on the USA Today Bestseller List)
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I've been married going on 38 years. We're getting each other a new heat and air unit for Valentines Day this year. :-) How romantic!
In the past, I've made heart shaped meatloaf, pizza with heart shaped pepperonis, heart shaped cakes, biscuits -- you name it, if it could be manipulated into a heart shape, I gave it a shot. Now I always come up with a little something for the grandkids, and my dh gets household maintenance.
for me i dont really like to celebrate vday neither does my better half because we celebrateeveryday with I loveyous and thoughtfulness personally thebest gift i ever got from him was a hand written song and a letter was beautiful and i treasure it more then cards or candy i totally agree with you on the sentiments
We're going whole hog this year for V-day. Dropping the kids off tonight at the grandparents. Then we're going to grab something to eat - neither of us is enthusiastic or excited about our restaurant choices - and watch the opening ceremonies for the olympics.
Believe it or not, we're actually both very excited about this. At least we'll be able to watch it in peace. With Zilla's crazy early morning schedule celebrating Sunday was just out of the question. And when we realized the ceremonies were tonight after we'd planned to make it our V-day we both had the same suggestion. I guess that means it's prefect for us.
BTW, I'd rather pull my toenail out. I can't stand the thought of eating bugs.
I don't do Valentine's Day. Never have. Before we got married, I told my husband he'd really lucked out, and he gave a huge sigh of relief.
I don't see the point of Valentine's Day. Keep the candy, keep the flowers, don't need a card. You want to do something for me? Laundry. Think laundry.
We're going to watch the Winter Olympics. There's nothing we'd rather do. Sometimes we do Valentine's Day romantic, sometimes low key. The most original gift I ever got was a sausage stuffer for my Kitchen Aid mixer. I was trilled. I love a household appliance. This year I am hoping for the DVD s of the SEC and National Championship games. I told him NO CANDY. I ate candy at Christmas and am still paying for it.
I usually get the kids a few things on V-Day but that's about it. Hubby knows better than to bring me a box of candy that I do not need. I would probably hit him over the head with it!
We are huge Olympic fans! Ordering pizza and hot wings and watching the Olympics sounds like a perfect Valentines Day to me. :D
We do Valentine's, but it is usually something low key. I enjoy the opportunity to take time out of my busy schedule and really focus on my hubby. That doesn't always happen with a young family and lots of work.
I don't expect grand romantic gestures, but I do expect the same from him -- taking a bit of time to reconnect with our relationship. Rather than gifts, I prefer for us to go do something together without the kids like dinner or a movie (though I get the kids candy and cards). Then we celebrate again after the kids go to bed (sorry hon, no Modern Warfare tonight!). :)
I'm never going to get him to do laundry or cook without specifically asking, so I might as well give up on them as gifts!
Um, only 2 weeks on the USA Today list, but thanks for the vote of confidence it will be there next week!
Since the Geek and I just made an offer on a house -- and we don't have an offer on this one yet -- I think my V-Day present will be a new mortgage. But thanks to SP, it looks like we may get dinner and a movie, too!
I enjoyed reading all the things differnt folks have done.
I had to laugh at SP's post about the frantic men, that was always my daddy. Every year he got my sister and I something for Valentine's Day along with my mother. Often it was the odd things that were still left at the little drug store in Cherokee when he got by there after work- like the year we got chocolate chip cookies in a strawberry tin. I still have that tin.
I'm oging to a hockey game w/ my grandson, not w/ anyone so it's just another day for me.
My hubby is working on V-day. I like going out to dinner on the holidays but I'm cooking one of his fave dishes, Saltimbocca. He's promised to take me to a restaurant in Yountville I've been dying to visit! :)
Hey, I won! I sent my snail mail info-I've had a horrible Valentine's Day today-my oldest teen has been in the hospital ; - (
Hubby and I exchange cards on Valentine's Day but we don't really ever do anything else-it's not a big day for us and I never got into it. I don't know why. Now the anniversary....that's another story : - )
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