This past Friday I turned 35.
I’d been really dreading this birthday. It felt like a milestone, and not really a pleasant one. Now, I know some of you out there are thinking that I’m still a baby. I can appreciate that. And I know some of you out there are commiserating my “old lady” status. I'm not the oldest Playfriend, or the youngest. I'm just... I'm 35.
I honestly wasn’t ready to turn 35. I tried not to make a big deal of it, because I knew how irrational the feelings were, but it just felt like this birthday was telling me that more of my life than I cared to acknowledge had now passed me by and I still had some things that hadn’t made it to the accomplishments list.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m usually a big birthday person. I feel like everyone should have that one day when they are made to feel really special and celebrated. It drives me crazy that my hubby's birthday is on Christmas, which makes it difficult to celebrate his big day. There is nothing better than being appreciated and what better day to do it than the anniversary of your birth? For some reason, I just wasn’t feeling it this year.
But as much as I was dreading it, the day itself went really well. My sister had my children for most of the day (we’re doing a child swap this summer) and I managed to write 25 pages to finish my book. Yay me! My husband sent me a dozen roses and a gift card for Barnes & Nobles. He’s a keeper, alright! My in laws cooked dinner to celebrate and after being on a low carb diet for 3 weeks, I enjoyed every bite of my taco salad and brownie sundae. The next day, I got to celebrate with my Playground sisters and spend the day talking writing with fellow authors. Awesome!
I went to bed happy and actually feeling better about myself than I have in a long while. I was surrounded by people who love me and that can make all the difference in the world. I’m not sure what this year will hold, whether it will be full of joy or the same old struggles. But if it is one thing I’ve learned in my first 35 years, having people there to support me is the best gift in life.
What was your best/worst birthday year? If you could have anything you wanted for your next birthday, what would it be?
PS. Jean is Julie Cohen’s prize winner from last week. Please email Instigator with your snail mail address to receive your prize. Prizes not claimed within 7 days will be regifted.
Coming Soon!
Tomorrow is Big Hair Day and we have some awesome pictures to show you! Join us for wild looks, prizes, and a big dose of nostalgia.
I've never been hung up on numbers, where birthdays are concerned, but I do remember that either 33 or 34 was a bad one. For some reason, I was bummed to be moving from my early thirties into my mid thirties. :-) Not sure why. I think I was just having a bad day, and that was where my head took me.
I can honestly say that -- except for that odd year -- I've always enjoyed whatever age I am. There are benefits to every decade, and so far, so good.
And yes, you're a baby. :-)
Oh gosh, I didn't realize it was your 35th or I would have worn black on Saturday. ;-) Actually, I did wear black but it wasn't because of that.
I think my birthday this year pinched a little because I realized I'm only two years away from six-oh and that's such a big, round number. When I actually hit it, y'all might have to talk me off a ledge or something.
If I could have anything for my next birthday? I'd love a trip back to Germany to revisit where we lived and the other spots we visited while we were there.
P.S. You ARE a baby. :-)
It's strange my worst birthday was turning 31. I was ok with 30 but 31 hit me hard.
What I want for my next birthday is to not turn the big 4 - 0. I'm about 7 months away from this special day and I just can't wait. Please hear the sarcasm here. I'm throwing a tantrum. I'm jumping up and down saying no to the big 4 - 0.
I know in my heart age is just a number. However, I just don't want to be this number at all.
Have a great day.
Every few years, my birthday falls on Thanksgiving. The upside to having a holiday birthday is that no one has an excuse to forget it -- Think Turkeys! Think Kimberly!
I refuse to think about how old I am. Period. I'm of legal age, and I'm just going to stick with that. Of course, I'd feel better if more folks carded me for beer, but those days are getting fewer and far between.
Happy Birthday, Angel! I loved being able to celebrate with you.
So far, I haven't been too upset about any milestones...I think 40 will hit me hard though. At least Zilla gets to go through that before I do ;-)
On my 30th birthday, they surprised me at work with a party and then my friends all surprised me with dinner at Fleming's, so that was one of my best birthdays. For my 40th(in 2 years), my friends and I are all going to celebrate turning 40 in Vegas. We all turn 40 that year, so we have been saving for several years and plan to do whatever we want while in Vegas.
I hope you had a good birthday weekend, regardless of the milestone.
I got kinda weirded out going to DB's 20th reunion this weekend. Yes, everyone there was 8 years older than me, but they were all married, some with teenagers. So far behind the curve. We had to show off pictures of our dogs. I teased DB that we'd have baby pics at the 30th when everyone else was showing off their grandchildren.
At my 20th reunion we had a couple on both ends of the parenting spectrum. One was expecting their first child any day and another was expecting their first grandchild any day.
My 40th reunion is in October, the same weekend as our chapter retreat. Gee... which one do you think I'm going to?
When Angel gave me my card on Friday (we're twins, though I tell her she's always going to be older than me - by two minutes :)), she had written, "Here's to the next 35 years!" Somehow, that just made the impact of it being my 35th birthday all the harder. There are many things I would have liked to have done by now, many things I think I will never get the opportunity to do that I want to, and, unfortunately, many things I regret about this first 35 years. At least I didn't cry in front of anyone, though it was kind of hard at that moment.
One thing I can say, however, is that I am very proud of the woman I call my sister. She has accomplished much (whether she realizes it or not), she rolls with far more punches than I have ever been able to do, she stands beside me and puts her arms around me (even when she doesn't necessarily agree with my decisions), and most of all, she understands me like no one else could ever do. I love you, sis'. Here's to the next 35 years, as long as we're together!
Awww! Now I'm blushing. :) Yep, remember that sister who kept my kids all day on my birthday? It was her birthday too. Isn't that sweet?
I'm seeing a theme about milestone birthdays. I'm guessing 40 will be a big one for me too. I think Liza has the right idea. Must plan big trip for 40th birthday!
Linda, My mother has told me that there are blessings for every decade, but her most recent have been her favorite. That gives me something to look forward to.
Angelic birthdays. Who can go wrong with that? ;)
Cheers to both you and Lea Ann!!!
word verif: manocks
(don't go manock on us on your birthday!)
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