Truth is, I spent time with friends last night, got distracted, and slept late. My new job gives me every other Friday off and to be honest, until about 10 minutes ago... I was asleep. I'm so naughty.
Sleep is just one of my indulgences. I don't have kids, so I don't get the 7AM pitter patter of feet to wake me up. On the days I work, I'm up by 6:30AM and at work by 7:30. No naps. I just charge straight through my day. But on my days off... I just love a 10 hour sleeping session. I can always sleep. No insomnia in my house.
So, many apologizes for my tardiness today. I was up far too late. To make up for it, I'll give away an autographed copy of Jacquie D'Alessandro's Confessions at Midnight and Sleepless at Midnight to a commenter today. So tell me, what's your favorite indulgence?
PS. But I'm not too sleepy to forget it's Maven Linda Winstead Jones' birthday! Happy Birthday, LJ! :)
I think sleep is probably mine too and I've been getting far too little while working on editing this book. I think I've hit critical mass though and will crash and burn this afternoon -- or sooner if I stay seated for too long. ::grin::
I slept late myself. Still recovering from a week in Disneyworld. Why does it take as long to prepare for and recover from a vacation as it does to take a vacation?
My Indulgences. The occasional nap. Chocolate. Ice cream. The morning hour to myself when I do nothing but putz about on the internet and drink coffee. :-)
Enjoy your day off SP!
In the winter my favorite indulgence is a nice long leisurely uninterrupted bubble bath. In the summer it's floating around in the pool. Both of these indulgences always require a good book and beverage!
Happy Birthday LJ!!
My indulgences would have to be chocolate, a good book, and a good nights sleep afterwards. You can't get any better then this. Although I usually stay up to one or two in the morning reading.
My indulgence would be a lie in just like you! Like you - no kids to wake me up - but never underestimate the power of two spoilt dogs who demand their daily walk followed by their chew sticks! Every morning at 06.45 there's a nose in the lower back. No need for an alarm clock in our house I can tell ya! Sigh...oh for a lie in and breckie in bed...sigh...Caroline x
My indulgences would have to be sleeping when the cats/dog leaves us alone. I enjoy a good book, chocolate, and a nice bubble bath. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
I love a good nap on the weekend. Come to think of it, I love to take a nap as soon as I get home from work too.
Happy Birthday LJ!
Watching late night TV and blogging at the same time and then staying up even later to read lol.
Naps are the bestest things in the world!!! I grieved when my children grew out of them. :)
I love to pamper myself by getting a mani/pedi and then snacking on some cookies or ice cream.
hmmm. My indulgence--today is to fiddle around when I should writing. Second a good cup of coffee, a great book...and yes..Sleeping late! :)
Mine would be to staying in my PJ's all day! Especially on those winter days! I would do it when the kids had snow days and I didn't have to work and just lounged the day away!
I'm not a sleeper! I'm usually up at 4:30AM whether I have to be at work or not. I'd swim for an hour then read the whole day through!
My favorite indulgence is apple pie topped with ice cream.
Oh, I'm so lucky! Both of my kids sleep in, at least 8am on weekdays and about 9-ish on weekends! BOTH OF THEM!
My new indulgence is sewing. Is that tacky? :)
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