After busting my brain for NaNoWriMo, I told myself I’d take the month of December off to relax and recharge. Actually, I’ve been really churning out the work this year, so the rest is fully deserved.
I also plan on refilling my creative well by scrapbooking and reading lots and lots. Oddly, about 90% of the books I’ve set aside to read this month are paranormal romances. Here’s what’s in the stack:
All I want for Christmas is a Vampire by Kerrelyn Sparks
Insatiable Desire by Rita Herron
Dance with the Devil by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Kiss of the Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Entire Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer
Angels and Demons by Dan Brown (this isn’t a paranormal, but I thought the title was a funny coincidence)
Also included were a few Christmas Blazes, because I love a Christmas themed book during December:
Yule Be Mine by Jennifer LaBrecque
Come Toy with Me by Cara Summers
I’ve been on a reading frenzy since December 1st and I’m LOVING it. This week, I plan to completely immerse myself in the Twilight books, so I can see what Smarty Pants, Instigator, and Queen Rhonda are raving over. Smarty Pants and I already have a date to go see the movie next Monday.
What are you reading right now? Any recommendations to add to my wish list?
Coming Soon!
Thursday, December 11th, we’ll be visited by author Juliet Burns
Next Monday, I’ll be replaced by historical author Anna Campbell
I'm am reading all Christmas books for my blog, but I have a lot of books I can't wait to dig into. Right now I'm reading a reissue of Linda Howard and Stephanie Bond anthology Under the Mistletoe and just listened to The Spy Who Came for Christmas by David Morrell. Up next is Heather Graham's Deadly Gift. (and about a hundred more!)
I'm currently reading "Snowy Night With A Stranger." I have "All I Want For Christmas Is A Vampire" is on my tbr pile, too. Also on my pile is Bella Andre's "Game For Anything," "Sun Stroked" by Cathryn Fox, "Ultimate Weapon" by Shannon McKenna and "The Darkest Touch" by Jaci Burton.
I'm not letting myself read *anything* until this book is done. Geting closer. Yay!
As soon as I get my book done, I have Jennifer LaBrecque's book waiting...
I rarely have time to write OR read in December. There's always so much to do.
I guess Christmas could be considered paranormal -- you have a man who flies through the skies with reindeer.
I lost all last week to illness so I'm playing catch-up this week yet trying not to overdo things and get sick again. I have a trip to the post office in store as well as a visit to my pharmacist. I'll be tucking Jennifer's YULE BE MINE in my purse in case I have a long line to stand in. Then I can be occupied in line.
Also on the Christmas pile are THE COWBOY'S CHRISTMAS MIRACLE by Raeanne Thayne (also considered research since it's a Silhouette Special Edition and that's what my book is targeted toward) plus Christie Ridgway's MUST LOVE MISTLETOE.
I usually read many more Christmas romances but I'm usually not sick the whole first week of December after being chained to the keyboard all of November.
I've restarted the last Harry Potter book. I got halfway through about a year ago, then set it down and never got to pick it back up again. When I tried, I realized I couldn't remember what happened and started over.
I guess I'm taking this month off, sort of, since I'm only working on my YA and it feels like a fun project just for me.
You will love the Twilight books! I saw the movie twice this weekend. I finished Jennifer's Yule Be Mine last week and loved it! Right now I'm reading Phantom's Touch by Julie Leto. I have so many other books in my tbr pile right now, I don't even know what I'll pick next. I think I might switch over to a YA book.
I used to take all of December off as well, but last year I tried to work through it. That was not easy because I had guilt if I didn't write and guilt if I did (taking time away from holiday preparations). So this year, I promised myself, one hour a day. Doesn't always happen, but I am pushing forward so it's been a good goal. And I don't feel any guilt at all.
I'm prepping goodies for the holidays and reading Kelly St. John's book, To Catch a Cheat (very funny).
I also scrapbook but I haven't started doing it again since we moved. I plan on instigating a "scrapbook week marathon" in the new year. I'm setting up the dining room and scrapbooking whenever I feel like it for one week.
I love reading Christmas themed romances during the holidays. I have a few of the Blaze Christmas releases, Lisa Kleypas - A Wallflower Christmas and Jennifer LeBrecques Yule Be Mine. There's a few more I want to pick up but haven't found yet. Y'all are listing some great sounding books so it looks like the list will grow. : )
Wow! What awesome ideas! Lots of books to add to the TBR pile.
Christine, I also usually keep a small goal throughout December, like your one hour goal. Something small enough to be achievable, but that fits in with all the other activities going on. Great idea!
I LOVE the idea of a scrapbook week! Right now I'm working on a few Christmas presents, but after that I want to make a major dent in the kids' scrapbooks. I've gotten really behind this year and I sure am missing that part of my creativity.
Angel, I used to be an uber scrapbooker before I took to writing as a serious "full time unpaying job haha" and now I am at least a year behind or more. I have TONS of scrapbooks and all the materials. I miss doing it too as it is a way of letting my creative side go without all the worry of what people will think about it! I am definitely instituting it in my life again.
The one hour goal is manageable. I am hitting that goal later today after I clean the house and get the household admin taken care of.
It's like a reward to write on Mondays--my hell cleaning day.
Speaking of scrapbooking, has anyone been to that store on Hwy 72 in West Huntsville?
I am currently reading Hot As Hell by Helen Kay Dimon - great read so far. I am looking forward to doing a lot of reading once I get out for the holidays on December 19th and I don't have to come back until January 5th.
Susan Elizabeth Phillip's book Glitter Baby is coming out December 30th, I am so looking forward to reading that book...yea!
love the word verifications - supoting
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