As many of you have probably noticed, we are a bit obsessed with shoe shopping here on the Playground. I have to admit, this was an undiscovered part of myself before we formed this group. But I’ve since come to embrace the joys of purchasing the perfect pair of shoes to go with an outfit and have finally surpassed my husband in the shoe quantity department.
Today, I’ve decided to spill all the Playground secrets and discuss each of our “shoe personalities”. What is that? you ask. Well, it is the specific type of shoe each Playfriend gravitates toward when out looking for shoes. I’m not talking about your everyday footwear (the choice of which this summer seems to be Teva flipflops), but the style of those “special” shoes you purchase for the “extra”ordinary event.
High Class Call Girl
I’d call Problem Child’s taste in shoes something along the lines of High Class Call Girl. She likes the really high heels and pain is not a consideration, so much as style. She’s been a dancer so long, pain in her feet doesn’t register like it would with us mortals. And her enjoyment of the spotlight makes for some show stopping, fabu shoe choices that I could never pull off in a million years.
Hooker Gear
Yes, I’m not exaggerating here. As a matter of fact, Instigator actually owns a pair of Hooker boots and I’ve seen her wear them in public. A conservative black compared to these babies, but I’m sure she’d have these if she could find them in a store. That being said, they fit her personality. She isn’t published with Blaze for nothing, honey!
She also has a thing for gladiator styles. I don’t know and I don’t ask.
Drag Queen
Smarty Pants often calls her style of shoes Drag Queen (from years of living in Vegas, baby!). Well, I’d call it Upscale Drag Queen. Over the top classy with lots of bling.
I’d also call SP a fan of Retro. I’ve often seen her drooling over a pair of plaid Converse tennies at the mall.
Cute and Comfy
Playground Monitor always goes for comfy shoes. Not that I can blame her. She’s had several foot surgeries and, well, if your feet hurt, I know from experience the rest of you will be miserable. And though her shoes are comfortable, they have an understated style that fits her. She doesn’t need lots of bling. Her personality shines for itself, as evidenced by her ability to walk into a room at Nationals and already know half the people there.
Feminine and Flirty
I like to think of my own style as feminine with a subtle touch of sexy. Taking a page from PM’s book, my shoes have to be mostly comfortable. I’m not into torture, even if I do want to look good, so 4 inch heels are out. But I’m developing a taste for something a little different, instead of the same boring black pumps. My husband is rejoicing…
So there you have it. I’ve told you our secrets, now we want to know yours. How would you describe your shoe personality? Come on… spill the details!
It's Keep Angel Company week, though the Playfriends don't leave for San Francisco until tomorrow! I'll be choosing one commenter from each day this week to win a lovely prize. All 5 winners will be posted next Saturday.
PS. Elle Kennedy chose Amy S. as her winner from last Thursday. Email Angel at with your email address to receive your prize. All prizes must be claimed within 7 days.
I think I belong to the Cute and Comfy category. I love my Reef flip flops, Nike sneakers and Timberland boots for everyday wear. I only own several pairs of the High Class Call Girl variety. Those are only for special occasions, like clubbing or parties.
My shoes belong to comfy (nothing cute about them). I only wear Reboks walking shoes unless I really need dressy and then they plain black flats.
I'm in the High Class Call Girl category. I've got seven pairs packed so far. May squeeze in another one. Not a pair of these are sensible either. Yeah, my feet hurt after a week at Nationals, but they look good. :)
I love those purple shoes! Good choice. Where'd you find them??
I am a little bi-polar with the shoes, I know. I keep wrestling with myself that I am too old to wear knee high pink plaid converse. I guess eventually my drag queen will take over my inner emo and it will be all bling all the time. I guess that's appropriate since in those heels, I'm about 6'4.
I am in the Cute and Comfy category. I can't stand for my feet to hurt.
I used to be a shoe freak when I was younger, thinner, and could afford to shop to my little heart's content. Nowadays, not so much. I'm own four pairs of shoes--flip flops, sneakers, Merrell slides, and one pair black pumps that are older than my 8 yo son. :(
That said, I'm in the market for a new job and I've already bought some new clothes. Shoes are next on the list and, let me tell ya, I AM GOING TO HAVE FUN! It's been far too long since I've splurged on myself. But I digress...
I'd say my overall shoe personality would be cute and comfy, as well. I really like these...
Like my Zodiac sign, I am a true Gemini; when I am home I want comfy, such as my Rykas or sandals. However, when I go out I want feminine, glitzy 'notice me' heels.
I love girly comfortable shoes. I enjoy & wear low heel, dressy sandals for work most days and every so often I will wear my heels. I love looking at shoes and most I cannot wear but I still love to look and drool.
I love me some sparkly, sexy, kick ass heels. However, about the only time I wear them is Nationals. They sink into the mud in the back pasture...
I will say that I actually bought myself a new pair of tennies this weekend. My old pair was 14 years old...bought when I was 18 and worked at the athletic shoe store. I think Angel fainted when she heard.
In my young-and-not-thinking-about-what-it-would-do-to-my-knees days, the higher the heel the better. Not so much any more. If the heel is higher than a millimeter, I think long and hard about it. I'm not even in the cute and comfy category, I fear. The mister would probably describe my shoe collection as worn and ratty. I prefer to think of them as Velveteen Rabbits for my feet.
Shoes! Schmoes! Most of you gals have shoe fetishes! Been there, done that! I must confess that I tend to cling to shoes I can no longer wear; thus my closet was crowded until I recently donated 15pairs (of sensibleshoes) to St. Vincent DePaul's Thrift store. Enjoy your shoes while you can for when you get to be a double Grandmother your feet widen and crave comfort. God Bless Dr. Scholl!
Do Crocs count as cute? ::grin:: That's what I have on now. I bought 2 pairs after my February foot surgery because they were the only thing I could wear for a long time. The big toe box puts no pressure on the big toe joint. Now I wear them cause they're comfy and if I get them muddy in the yard, I just hose 'em down and move on.
Looks like the "cute and comfy" crowd might be winning. ;-)
I know I'm in the Cute and Comfy category because I have foot problems too. I have to make sure every pair are comfy and are easy to walk in. I wish I could wear some of the High Class Call Girl variety, but I never learned how to walk in heals and don't really want to now. That being said, I love shoes and own way too many pairs according to most people(over 50 pairs of shoes).
My days of sacrificing style for pain are over. I don't do cute.
I do comfy 90% of the time, so when I dress up, I go all out. It would work out better if I was 5'3 and 110 pounds, but alas, if I'm going to look like a drag queen, I might as well get the shoes.
Wow! What a popular topic this morning. I'm running a little behind, because I went to bed late, then was up for an hour with Little Man during the night (for no reason I could understand...).
I did mention at the beginning these were not "every day" shoe wear. I also go for comfy when I'm at home, but am getting addicted to the smarter shoes when I'm out. I've learned that I shouldn't wear tennis shoes with cute little capris and there are some really comfy wedges I love with my dress pants. Just go to and type in comfort sandals. You'd be surprised what they offer.
I fully embrace my description, but those shoes are not high class call girl. If I was on a computer that wasn't in the middle of a hotel lobby with a line forming behind me, I'd go to Zappo's and find a more Kimberly-like pair... :-)
BTW, Zappo's sponsors the gray plastic trays at Nashville security line...
See y'all tomorrow. Pack a warm shirt--the fog has returned!
So picky...
Usually, I go for servicable, comfy shoes.
I have to admit, for a nice night out or a special occasion, I like something pretty, sparkly with a heel. Unfortnately, have you seen me walk in a heel? It's painful to watch. (Or funny)
Oooh, great topic! I'm more of a heels and wedgie sandals kind of girl. The only flats I do are of the flip flop variety and not very often then. Flats make my back hurt and besides I need the height elevation to make my calves and butt look better! Hey, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!
For real, Sherry! My newest shoe acquisition makes my legs look awesome. Totally worth it.
I'm in between cute & comfy and feminine & flirty. But I do happen to own a pair of "hooker boots". :-)
Now, PC, I had another pair picked out, but Instigator insisted these looked like you. And I do recall a pair of black shoes you wore with that polka dotted dress to the wedding....
I am a Birkenstock girl, so I definitely go for comfort. I wore high heels for all my working years, and when I retired, gave them all away.
Hi Angel!
I think my dress up shoes are feminine but conservative. When my kids were young I only wore comfortable shoes but then I realized that the shoes I was wearing were pretty ugly. Now I worry more about how they look along with how they feel.
My shoes belong to the Cute and Comfy category. I only wear flats.
Definitely in the Cute and Comfy category. I have chronic back problems ao I really can't wear high heels much anymore without paying for it afterwards.
I wasn't going to say anything, but those shoes you picked for PC didn't quite fit the image I was thinking either. Though I embrace the label right along beside her, this is more like it. Yes, I will be wearing these this week. No, I didn't pay anywhere near that (in fact, I'm a little shocked at the price!)....
They are a little low, but ah well.
Low as in height, not price. Yeesh.
I like Feminine and Flirty AND Comfy!
How can y'all spend that much on shoes when gas and food are so high? And why would you want to be equated with a highclass call girl? I'd be trying to avoide that.
For the right shoe, I simply opt not to eat.
Trust me, if that shoe cost that much, I wouldn't have it. I got it for far, far less. On the clearance rack at DSW. :)
I don't think Angel *really* means those of us who like the HCCG shoe (or the Hooker shoe, LOL) look like we're soliciting. No indeed. It's just that our shoes might be worn by ladies who need to look really, really good. :)
Gee. Some people need to learn to not take things so seriously. I love this site (sorry I never posted b4) and think you r all very nice people. I'm looking forward to reading the Instigator's book when it comes out at the end of the week. How u spend ur money is ur business and not some troll's.
And I'm a High Class Call Girl-type too, though at present I'm pretty limited to Payless shoes. Once I get this accounting degree though -- watch out zappos (thanks for introducing me to the site).
I'm probably one of the few women that doesn't have a large collection of shoes. I always had an extremely skinny foot and shoe shopping was torture. I usually ended up with ugly things. When I started to work I did indulge in some expensive shoes but not a lot of them.
Hey, I found the Payless in San Fran!!! It's close to the Ross!
I looked in the window at some of the really expensive places (I even went in to Tiffany's). Le sigh. A girl can dream, right?
Hm, I'm a mix. I don't tend to think about shoes much - but I guess mine make enough of a statement that people notice them. Guys, specifically. This hasn't happened in a while, but some of my male friends used to inform me I shouldn't wear a certain pair of shoes anymore. They said they were "like loaves of bread." Or, other guys would say how impractical a pair was. [But cute.] Haha. I need more shoes... I have a lot of relatively sedate black pumps, for all my business professional gear. Boo. I had a wonderful pair of bandolino's I got from piperlime - with a great heel, in taupe, but they were a shade too bed. Sad.
I am definitely the F&F girl. Feminine & Flirty all the way! I love pink, purple and sparkles!
O.k. I admit during the day, comfort is my game. It is Skechers shoes for me and at night at home it is my Crocs.
Michele L.
love the heels. wtg Amy s
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