I hate Mondays. After a weekend of (hopefully) sleeping until 8am and not having to hit the day at a full run, 6:30am comes all too soon.
There are several tasks I don't enjoy about Mondays: paying the bills and grocery shopping. They have to be done, so I do them, but I don't enjoy them.
The kids are usually cranky, because they don't want to start their week either. This week will be especially so, because the older has had strep and been out of school until today.
The hubby is usually gone most of the day, since it is one of only 2 days he gets off work, and Sunday he's at home. So he plays golf and has lunch with the guys. So I deal with cranky children and bills on my own.
I usually have to take care of doctor appointments or chiropractor appointments on Mondays.
The only good thing about Monday? I don't have to work, so I'll have more time to write today and inspiration is smiling on me at the moment. Yay!
What do you enjoy/hate about Mondays?
There's nothing good. At my old job in LV, I had a schedule where I had every other Monday off. That was awesome because I could ignore Monday's entirely and pretend it was Sunday again.
Thursdays were always my favorite day because all the shows I liked were on that night and I had the whole weekend ahead of me.
A couple Fridays ago, I said I was glad it was Friday to a co-worker and all he said was "yeah, but its only 3 days until Monday." How could he ruin something so wonderful??
Mondays aren't much fun, because I have time on Sundays to figure out what needs to be done, and I always have a huge list waiting for me--phone calls to make, trips to the post office, etc.
But my word verification today tells me what I need to be doing: inkon
Hahaha!!!! That's funny, PC. Guess you better be getting that ink on paper, huh?
Mondays are difficult. I look forward to them, because it means hubby will go back to work and I have the house to myself. But it also means I have to get myself motivated and get back to work on whatever project I have going. Sometimes, getting back to work is easier said than done.
And there are always business things to attend to on Monday morning -- emails and phone calls, bill paying, etc, or I feel like I can't lose myself in my book. Sometimes, the whole day goes by without me writing more than a couple of words. And then I swear I'll get back to it first thing Tuesday morning. :/
Yeah, it's just that whole getting back into the groove thing. And we were out late last night so I had a ton of email to catch up on this morning. Blech. Thrown my whole schedule off, it has. :(
I hate Mondays. There's a reason I said I couldn't blog on that day of the week. Between getting the girls to school and myself to work...I've got all I can handle.
Today is even more complicated because I have my 18 month old nephew at the office with me. We're having a good time but I'm not getting anything done.
With the bulging disk in my neck I now cannot sleep or lie down very well so I get minimal rest..sigh.. no more relaxing, I have to get up and sit in the chair with a heating pad to make the pain go away. But at least I can function, so weekend/weekday is pretty much the same, wake up in pain, get out of bed early and keep quiet so I don't wake my better half. Mondays are lousy as it means a whole week before the next weekend and even though I am on limited duty, its still better to do what I want to then working.
Is it Monday? I've lost all track of the days since my unfortunate confinement. At least I know now that tomorrow's Tuesday and I get my stitches out and PC's taking me to get my hair cut. Yay! Escape! And I'm treating her to lunch afterwards. Be thinking where you want to eat, PC. Within reason, that is. ;-)
Usually, I'm like Lynn -- it means I have the house to myself again but have to get back in the saddle and work.
"Rainy days and Mondays always get me down." The Carpenters.
Mondays are strange days. They blow in, whether you want them to or not. But I think we're missing an important question here. Where are the Moan boys? Angel, you could always go back to posting some hotties to kick off the week. :-)
I'm sorry you're in such pain, Mark. I hope you get some relief soon.
INK ON, friends!
That I have to get up at a certain time to get ready for work and can't do just what I want to do.
Pat L.
I work in a dental office and Mondays are the worst. You just know the blinking light on the answering machine is not someone leaving a message to say hello. Appointment cancellations to be rescheduled and toothaches to be scheduled. I have had the phone stuck to my ear all morning. Ok - I'm stepping off the box now. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their day!
Sherry W.
MoanDays are special, Kathy. That's why I reserve them for the first Monday of each month. Otherwise we might blow a fuse from all the heat in here. :)
Hugs to everyone on their Monday blues! For myself, I've gotten a lot done today, but not writing (which I usually don't get to on Mondays). I have a client this afternoon, then grocery/birthday shopping. That's all on the To Do list for today. Maybe I won't be too tired to write after the kiddios are in bed.
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