We started off Saturday with the Playground Christmas party. A Total Blast! Of course, we're always fun when we get together, but this time we did something extra special.... We created our own Rock Band! Some of you have probably heard of this game, which we have for the Xbox 360. There are 2 guitars, drums, and a microphone. With everyone here, we had plenty of band members, along with back-up singers too.
Here is Problem Child's Darling Geek on guitar:
Smarty Pants on Drums, along with Problem Child and some of the Children's children on vocals:
There's my poor hubby in the left corner, also on guitar, and Little Man pretending to play along (he loves this game). You can see the screen showing the path for each instrument, which is where your notes appear, and the line across the top is for the vocals:
Everyone had a great time and it was a lot of fun. We discovered some hidden talents (who knew Instigator's hubby could pick up the drums that quickly?) and laughed a lot (just try listening to a bunch of little girls sing a Courtney Love song... weird!).
Then on Sunday Instigator and I headed for Birmingham to audition for Wheel of Fortune. We stood in line twice for two shows, but didn't get picked to go on stage for either one. Boo! But it was entertaining to watch and held at the Galleria shopping center, so we threw in some shopping too.
All in all, I had a fun and entertaining weekend. What about y'all? Do anything just for fun lately?
Boo on not getting picked for Wheel of Fortune.
All the partying is catching up with me and I bailed on the WoF trip yesterday in favor of just vegging on the couch and watching movies. I also watched the Survivor finale last night.
The DH is out of town for a few days, which means no cooking. That's a LOT of fun for me! And I just might go to the movies one afternoon if I can figure out which movie to go see.
Fun time on Saturday, but I don't even have enough musical talent to do well at the game. :-( Those rock stars make it look so easy..."Money For Nothin'" and all.
Awww, sounds like ya'll had a great time! (Kim, you might now be able to sing or play an instrument, but you've got some serious dancing skillz. :-)
We had such a blast on Saturday night! On the way home DH asked me if we get the game for our system (not yet but hopefully soon!). Five minutes after being home he asked if I'd looked it up on the internet yet. You know he enjoyed himself if he was in that much of a hurry to spend $170 bucks.
DB has informed me that we will be the proud owners of Rock Band if and when it comes out for the Wii System. In the meantime, I think he's going to try and get himself invited over to Angel's house for dinner more often. :)
My sister got my son Guitar Hero for Christmas and now I can't wait to try it.
Sorry about the WOF. My brother stood in line for hours here, but never got picked either.
Your hubby looks like Matt Damon.
Pat L.
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