Girlfriends are one of life's biggest blessings. If you can't agree whole-heartedly with that statement, then you've never had a true, soul-sharing girlfriend.
On the Playground this week, you'll probably hear us fawning over each other alot – with good reason. We're celebrating two incredible years of fun, ranting, adventures, secrets, and trouble here on the Playground. Not only are we mighty proud of ourselves and our readers, we're very sentimental about the journey that has made us family. So you'll have to overlook a few tears this week.
But the formation of this group didn't just provide us with girlfriends, it strengthened our writing bonds as well. When it comes to my work, these women's words are like gold to me. I know where they are coming from, the experience they have, and their knowledge of the business. We don't write Books By Committee. But if I have a plot problem or characterization issue, I know they'll help me fix it while keeping my own writing strengths in mind. (Hint: This is something to look for in a good critique partner as well.)
So I've grown just as we've grown these past two years. And I hope you've grown as well.
We've got exciting things planned for this week, including our book-a-day giveaway and a Blog Birthday Party on Wednesday. Today, I want you to tell us about your best girlfriend(s); those women that you can laugh with, cry on, and raise hell with! I'll pick from the comments for today's winner.
PS. And don't miss next Monday when guest blogger Eloisa James drops by to play!
My girlfriend Bertie(Alberta) is my best friend forever. She has been there for me through a divorce, through a re-marriage, through good times and bad. She is only a phone call away and is always willing to listen and give advice(especially when I ask). At one time we lived near each other and we had such good times together- laughing, sharing and enjoying the other's company. We have gotten to know the other's family and been there for each other when each of us lost our parents to death and she lost a sister and hubby and niece also.
Here is to friendship!!!
Happy Birthday to the WP and many, many more!!
happy bday to u. my best friends from hight school are still here and i love them.
awww...I like that picture. It's nice to have friends around, especially when life throws a few curves in the wrong direction. My best girlfriend....we met when I was a wee little one. She was my neighbor and I heard she had been in the hospital. I went over to her house to sit with her and we instantly became fast friends whie playing Barbie's. lol I can tell her anything and she never judges. Just listens. She comes from a large Italian family and they have all made me feel part of their family, too.
I've moved a lot and have been seperated from my best friends for years. But, oh, the times we had. Partying and partying some more.
Now most of my friends are authors and they are wonderful! They have supported me through good times and bad. The sympathy and congratulations I got recently from all of them has been what's holding me together.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PLAYDIVAS! Yup, I'm still calling ya'll that. *g*
Melissa K.
I have two different sets of friends. I have the Playfriends, who understand all the writing stuff. And I have my Red Hat Society friends who understand that I'm over 50.
Sadly my very dearest friend in the world passed away from cancer 5 1/2 years ago. We met at church when our kids were little and did all sorts of stuff together. When our kids were older, we sort of drifted apart, but when I found out she was sick and needed folks to stay with her during the day so her husband could go to work, I signed up every week for my shift. Most times she just slept because of the drugs she was on, but sometimes we'd talk about the old days and all the crazy things we'd done. I was crushed when she died. She was so strong and brave and I just knew she'd beat that cancer. But at least I know she's up in heaven helping with their heavenly theater arts productions and keeping them laughing with her sense of humor.
Happy birthday us!
Wishing you a birthday filled with good wishes, good health and good friends and family.
I met one best friend at my first job many years back and although we no longer live near each other we are always there for one another and just a phone call or e-mail away. Last month she came to visit and it was such a wonderful time catching up on each other's lives and doing things together like we had never been apart. I am going to visit here in the New Year and we have promised to visit each other more often. Another good friend I worked with that lives in the same town is also someone whom I have laughed with, cried with, traveled with and we get together often to enjoy ourselves and talk for hours. Another very important friend and neighbor lives next to me and we constantly get together for coffee at each other's house or go out for lunch. We enjoy celebrations and parties together and help each other thru sad times, divorces, funerals of family and friends and caring for each other's children, pets, and homes when one of us is gone for vacation or whatever. Good friends are priceless and always there for you in good times and especially in difficult or sad times.
Happy Birthday to the WP!
As for friends, I'm blessed to have many and just spent a long weekend with two of my very best--Jennifer LaBrecque and Vicki Lewis Thompson. They "get" me and you know how wonderful that is. :-)
I love you guys! I don't know what I did before you all came into my life.
P.S. I'll be gone most of today. The DH is off work so we're going on a ride with a guy he works with. We'll be a mini Harley gang. *snort* Pray I don't freeze to death. We're headed northeast to the Tennessee mountains and the Cumberland Plateau.
Happy Birthday Playfriends!! And ditto what Rhonda said. ;)
The playfriends are the best, of course. They understand me like no one else.
Back before I wanted to be a writer, I met my friend November. We have known each other since we were 10. We went to sixth grade together, rode on the bus together and have been fast friends ever since. We ended up in different high schools, different colleges, even different cliques (she was a track star, I was a computer geek) but we still stay close. I can even go years without seeing her and it doesn't make any difference. When we get together, its just like we saw each other a few days ago.
She got married last year and I was maid of honor. If/when they have a baby girl, she's naming her after me. (hope she doesn't expect me to reciprocate) We even have matching friendship tattoos. Ahh... the joy of college stupidity. :)
Aside from the Playfriends, I have Counselor Shelley, who keeps me sane.
We laugh that we only have one brain cell left and that we have to share it. Stupid decisions can be excused by "I didn't have the brain cell that day."
God help us if we lose it...
I have had two very special girlfriends in my life so far and they have supported me alot. I can't thank them enough.
Happy birthday and I visit often. Is fun to read the interviews and all of the other info on this site
Friends are wonderful and I like to count the playfriends as my friends!
Growing up in a military family, I had to leave my friends every 2-3 years. Losing friendship is devastating when you're young and I learned very quickly and at a very young age to hold back part of myself just to keep afloat.
Thanks to marrying into the military, I've got friends all over the world and what a great joy it is to run into them or hear from them every now and then. I especially love Christmas when all their cards start coming in and I get to hear how their year has passed.
It's odd, but I guess I don't have any close girlfriends. I think the military life kind of fostered that. Like Kathy said, you move every few years and you learn to hold yourself apart. I'm still in touch with a few people, and I know we'd have a blast if we get together, but we can go months without being in contact.
My BFF from elementary and junior high is a polar opposite anymore. We have nothing in common. NOTHING. I rarely hear from her, and we were very very close back then. But our lives went in opposite directions, so opposite that it's like trying to speak another language whenever we manage to get in contact.
My closest female friend would be my mother, and of course she drives me crazy to a certain degree. But I love her. :)
And I seriously enjoy getting together with writing friends for lunch or coffee or just talking writing. I guess in that respect, I feel like I'll always have friends, and I'll always be making new friends too.
My best friend and I have been there for each other for over 20 years. I introduced her to her now husband, I've been there for the birth of her 3 kids. She was there for me when my dad passed away about 10 years ago. I recently did the same for her acouple of years ago. We don't have to see each other or talk to each other alot but when we do it's like we've never been apart for very long. We will be there for each other till the end.
Blogger (or my computer) is totally not cooperating with me today! Uggghhh!!!
Besides the Playfriends, I have several close women friends. My mother and twin sister. And the woman who used to be my youth leader when I was a teenager and has turned into one of my closest friends. We claim her as family, as she's been to every major event in my life, the birth of my children, each of my miscarriages, my wedding, everything. With hectic schedules, we don't talk often, but when we do it is like picking up from yesterday.
She'll sit in the family section when I die, and I've told her if I'm ever in the hospital, for her to tell the staff she's my sister. We did that so she could wait with me during one of my miscarriages, and I couldn't imagine another event like that without her prayers, love, and support.
My best girl friend is my cousin. We have been close since childhood. We share our love of books and can often be found gushing over books that we have read. She is always there to listen and offer advise. I know she will tell me the truth and won't hold back to spare my feelings. I know that she would be there no matter what. We always laugh and kid each other that we know who to call if we ever need bail money.
My best friend(Lisa) is my rock. I don't know what I would do without her. She has now moved about 8 hours away from me and I miss her. So now we call and email all the time.
Happy Birthday WP!!!!!
Having that special friend to depend on is so wonderful. My friend lives closeby so we meet every week to walk and discuss our lives. Through her divorce and deaths in my family this friendship has helped me to endure the tough times.
Happy Birthday to the WP!
I have two very good friends that I met on line. We chat almost everyday and we support each other through the bad times and are happy for each other through the good times! I'm very happy to have met them!
Happy Birhtday. I hope you are around a long time as I enjoy visitng your site.
I have one main friend who we always listen to each others troubles - we met when our kids were small and they're grown now but we're still best friends. Then I have friends like from a bowling league and a card group and we all share together - lots of laughs and some tears.
My twin sister is my best friend. We are so much alike not only in appearance but also in personality. I can always count on her to understand what I am going through. She knows me so well.
Donna, Helen and Marie. I have known them all for over 20 years. They are kind, caring and are always there for me.
I met 2 of them thru my child (at school) and one thru work.
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