My husband must secretly hate me being a writer, because last night he sabotaged me—BIG TIME!
He installed a game called Bejewelled on our computer and showed us all how to play. UGH!!! Normally, I couldn't care less about computer games, but this one is close to one of the few I've liked in the past, Tetris.
The entire family spent hours last night fighting over the computer to battle for the highest score. I'm ashamed to say that at the time I wrote this blog, I had the leading score in the classic category with 45,000. *blush* Like there weren't a hundred other things I could have been doing with my time.
Yes, I see this as a major time suck in my future. I've heard of authors playing solitaire, but it never interested me (never even occurred to me, actually). But this game is going to be a BIG TEMPTATION!
I must repeat to myself over and over today: I will not play BJ until I get my synopsis written... I will not play BJ until I get my synopsis written...
What's your biggest distraction on the computer? Especially now that Timmy/Shimmy has been unveiled?
I've played BJ, but just the free version and I loved it. I also play Jewel Quest, cause that's all that will play for free on my Mac. I'm just too cheap to pay for computer games. But, I can understand your obsession. Good luck with that. lol
The Internet in general. So much mind-suck available with just a few keystrokes....
Minesweeper -- Previously, I had to play it every morning to jumpstart my writing, and I wouldn't stop until I had at least won a game (not necessarily beating a previous time, but at least locating all mines).
Then Maven Linda told me her high score, and it put mine to shame. Amazingly enough, after attempting (and failing quite miserably) to hit her score, I've managed to give up my need to play each morning. LOL!
Should probably try again, but too busy today to venture into a time-sucking arena ;)
Like Jen, the internet in general. I can get lost in blog land for shameful amounts of time. :/
Yahoo Games has an online game called JTs Blocks or something like that - its similar to Bejeweled. Super addictive. Thank goodness my work computer system blocks any sites related to games. I love puzzle games.
I have lost HOURS of my life on MSN zone (their game site). They let you play most games for free for 1 hour. If you don't close the game out you have unlimited access so I'll usually just let it run until I beat the game. Puzzle and strategy games are my favorite - Catan and Risk at the moment.
Thankfully, I've gotten over the Bejewelled addiction. I used to have it on my darn phone!! My new web phone doesn't support it, so I don't have it anymore. I had it on the computer at one time, but thankfully don't know where the disk is at this moment. :) I used to really like mah-jong a lot. That was addictive, and the music was kind of soothing. Then there was this thing with a worm and library books. Bookworm, maybe? That was addictive for a while.
Now, my BIG problem is the Internet. Blogs especially. I even have the internet on my phone. The other day, I actually checked email at a traffic light. Horrified myself when I realized what I was doing. I won't talk on the phone while driving, but here I was at a red light, blithely checking to see if I'd gotten any new email. Yikes!
I was so much more productive when I never checked my e-mail or spent time on the computer. Thank goodness I've never been drawn to Internet games. :-)
Saw PC's Mom the the news last night!!
I just discovered iGoogle. It's the Google version of MyYahoo. I have it set up for my local weather, the news headlines, the stock market to track the lone stock I own (leftover from my 401K from work). It has a sticky note feature as well a countdown (31 days til retreat, 38 days til my cruise). And you can add extra tabs, so I added a game one. I have Hangman, Blackjack, a free version of Bejeweled and Deal or No Deal. DOND is my current distraction. I won the million one night last week. Too bad it wasn't real. :-(
I've done Bookworm too, but never could get much abotu 4-5 letter words.
And yeah... the internet in general is bad. Can't you hear that big sucking sound coming from my office? It's me logging in.
The entire internet is one big time suck, but online Maj hong is my biggest game addiction.
OH you named my number one addiction. I bought and downloaded it years ago (so much better than the free version) but my computer crashed and I lost it. I was beyond myself. I tried to get them to download it for me again but since it had been a while and I didn't keep any records it was a no go. So I was really good for quite a while. Of course I played other games online but it wasn't the same. I ordered it again this year and am just as hooked. I mean I can play for hours and hours!!! I remember I had hit over 200,000 but am only up to about 125,000 lol.
Angel, I feel your pain. My top score for Bejeweled classic is 181,000 (roughly), which gives you an idea of how addicting it is.
When I'm in deep work mode, I have to uninstall the game -- and reinstalling it is the first thing I do when the book is finished.
I'm sorry, but you're already behind help :-).
Make that "beyond help." My fingers went off on a tangent of their own.
!Holy cow! The verification word i "chninjvb" -- I think.
Sorry for being absent today! I'm having internet and email troubles... whine...
Glad to see I'm in good company. I was pretty good. I only played for a while this morning. Too busy the rest of the day. But tomorrow is another day... :)
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