First place goes to Maureen with "I is for Ilex." That one had folks running to the dictionary. Because of some recent landscaping projects, I knew that it was the botannical name for hollies, but the others were stumped. And what's more Christmas-y than green holly and red berries? Our blog is even decorated up top with holly.
Good job, Maureen!
Our runner up is Jennifey Y with "Q is for Quirinius (The Roman Governor of Syria at the time of Jesus' birth...mentioned in Luke)." Lots of other folks came up with words for "Q" but this one had a great historical link and had me Googling to learn more.
A big thumbs up to Jennifer too!
Maureen needs to contact Problem Child to arrange for her book and Jennifer needs to contact Instigator for hers.
Thanks again to everyone for playing. We had 210 comments and that might be a record.
Congratulation to the Winners!!
Congradulations Winners!
Happy Holidays To You All
Thank you! And congrats Maureen!
I had fun this weekend! Helped take my mind off my cold trying to think of words.
Thanks so much! Congrats to you too Jennifer.
Congrats to the winners. Good going.
Congratulations Maureen and Jennifer!
Congrats Maureen and Jennifer!
Congrats winners!
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